More Money Doesn’t Guarantee Happiness: India’s Middle Class Happier Despite Governments’ Ignorance

39 minutes ago

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Lack of money makes you yearn and yearn, but excess of money also makes you restless. Sleep steals. According to a survey by People’s Research on India’s Consumer Economy, money has little to do with happiness.

According to this research, less money than needed and more money reduces our happiness. This conclusion belies the story that is often heard that more money will bring more happiness. This research says that maximum happiness comes in the part of the middle class. At present, the percentage of middle class population in India is 30% which is more than many countries.

The income of this thirty percent population is five lakh to thirty lakh per year. Although the income of the middle class has been defined differently at different times, but at present it is considered to be five to thirty lakhs annually. What is more heartening for India is that by 2047 the percentage of middle class population will reach 63%. That means, after 100 years of independence, India’s prosperity will more than double.

Till 2004-05, the middle class population was only fourteen percent in the country. At the time of independence, the middle class used to be only two percent. The shocking fact is that fifty two percent of the population in the country is the one who is going to be middle class in the next years.

The surprising thing is that even today most of the schemes and policies are either made for the poor or keeping in mind the interest of the rich. No one can object to making welfare schemes for the poor. There shouldn’t even be. But attention should also be paid to the facilities and conveniences of the middle class. After all, what is the way to make a happy country more prosperous?

The schemes for the upliftment of the poor will make them happy by bringing them in the middle class category and if the middle class continues to get facilities and reliefs, it will be more prosperous. It is possible that he will try to bring those close to him into the middle class by catching them, who are still backward or living a life of poverty. Well, the opposite is happening. Our governments are often heard saying that there is no need to give much comfort to the middle class. He will see his own.

May be our governments will also understand this research and they can also pay attention to the middle class. After all, it is the middle class that runs the country. From your work, from your hard work and from the heavy taxes deducted directly from your salary. In fact, governments only know how to take from the middle class. Do not want to give While the middle class does not demand anything from any government. He wants some facilities. Expects small reliefs.

Expectation of some more money in return for their hard work, expectation of some facilities during work and expectation of some relief in the tax deducted directly from the salary.

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