Morbi Bridge Accident: Even the death of 191 people did not shake the government, the old pattern of smudge continued in the investigation

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  • Morbi Bridge Accident: Even The Death Of 191 People Did Not Shake The Government

New Delhi8 minutes ago

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There are rivers in India. There are bridges over rivers. Bridges are there so that they can fall into the river with the people on them. The same happened in Morbi, Gujarat. The bridge with hundreds of people fell into the river. The death toll has reached 191 so far. The official numbers will be very less, but what difference does it make! Those whose houses have been destroyed, they already know. There can be no greater example of negligence and government error than this. Actually, governments have a habit of making mistakes and then lying on lies to hide that mistake. Making mistakes on mistakes. The bridge was opened to the public without first testing. Then despite the limit of a hundred people, he sent five hundred people on the bridge. Because the company was getting ticket money. Underestimating the number of deaths when it broke down. …when the pressure builds up. of the central government. Of the upcoming election. So the process of FIR and arrest started.

Well, action should be taken against the culprits. There should also be an arrest. But who was arrested? The nine people arrested include two managers, two repair workers, three security guards and two ticket clerks. See the seriousness of the government after the death of 191 people that the inquiry committee completed its work in twenty five minutes. The Orewa Group, which operates the bridge and Dev Prakash Solutions, which is doing the renovation, are not even named in the FIR. Actually, the death is not causing any pain to any government, any leader, in fact there is a game going on to save the real culprits.

Morbi Municipality says that the Orewa Company had opened the bridge on its own free will. Fitness certificate not even taken. No permission of the municipality was also taken. If the permission of the municipality was not taken and the bridge was opened and five hundred people were put on it, then what was the municipality sleeping? At whose behest the action was not taken? Who was the leader, who was the minister on whose strength all this was happening without permission? Who will check it? The government has no confidence in it. She is bent on making fun of the accident by covering up the investigation in twenty five minutes. Whom do people trust? Load testing is done before commissioning of such closed bridges. It wasn’t even done! Why? And seeing all this, knowingly, if the names of the operating company and the company doing the renovation are not mentioned in the FIR, then it is clear that the government is protecting these companies. It is known how clear the intention of the government, which takes such a stand even after the deaths of about two hundred people. The time has come to shake off any such intentions.

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