Monsoon Vacation 2023: Places To Visit Near India During This Season

New Delhi: The arrival of the monsoon season brings refreshing rainfall, lush foliage, and a sense of refreshment. While India has a plethora of interesting places, its neighbouring countries also have a myriad of breathtaking locations to explore during this beautiful season. These places guarantee a wonderful journey, with everything from mystical scenery and magnificent waterfalls to cultural wonders and scrumptious cuisines. Pack your bags to embark on an enthralling journey where the rains enhance the beauty of these sites and create memories to last a lifetime.

1. Bhutan:

Nestled in the lap of the mountainous regions of the Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan is one of the cleanest countries in the South Asian region and presents a surreal experience during the monsoons.

Bhutan is a region of breathtaking valleys, snow-capped mountains, and lush flora. Old monasteries, ornate temples, and colourful festivals highlight the country’s rich cultural legacy. Bhutan’s main tourist destinations include the capital city of Thimphu and the lovely city of Paro. Bhutan is also recognised for its iconic Tiger’s Nest Monastery, positioned abruptly on a cliffside, and the Punakha Dzong, a majestic stronghold with stunning architecture and numerous trekking paths. The bright attire, festivals, and hearty food are proof of their way of life in these hazy highlands, where resources are short but enthusiasm is abundant.

Bhutan (Image Source: Getty)

2. Sri Lanka:

Sri Lanka, with its tropical charm and diverse landscapes, becomes even more enchanting during the monsoon season.

It is a culturally rich country and a fascinating mix of well-preserved traditional customs and growing urbanisation. Old cities like Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, and Sigiriya are UNESCO World Heritage Sites that feature remarkable archaeological ruins such as towering stupas, old palaces, and beautifully carved temples. Additionally, Sri Lanka boasts a diverse terrain that includes beautiful beaches, luscious tea plantations, misty highlands, and deep jungles.

Sri Lanka’s picturesque tea plantations are also a huge attraction. The highland country, especially around Nuwara Eliya and Ella, has beautiful scenery of undulating hills covered with carefully tended tea bushes. You can take picturesque train journeys through these tea-covered hills and taste high-quality Ceylon tea while admiring the scenery.

Sri Lanka (Image Source: Getty)
Sri Lanka (Image Source: Getty)

3. Nepal:

Nepal, with its breathtaking mountains, spiritual retreats, and colourful culture, makes for an enthralling monsoon escape.

Begin your adventure in Kathmandu, where you may see the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Durbar Square, Swayambhunath Stupa, and Pashupatinath Temple. You can also trek across the Annapurna or Everest regions to see stunning vistas and attractive communities. Pokhara is a tranquil lakeside city famed for its magnificent lakes, such as Phewa Lake, and panoramic vistas of the Annapurna mountain range.

Nepal is also a major religious centre, with several Buddhist and Hindu pilgrimage sites such as the Pashupatinath Temple and the Boudhanath Stupa. Lord Buddha was born in Lumbini, a minor Buddhist centre in Nepal. To make things better, the crime rates are very low, making it a very safe travel destination.

Nepal (Image Source: Getty)
Nepal (Image Source: Getty)

4. Myanmar:

Myanmar, with its ancient temples, serene landscapes, and unique cultural experiences, reveals its true beauty during the monsoon season.

Myanmar, one of the most affordable nations to visit, takes pride in its gorgeous mountain ranges, nature trails, clean beaches, and booming towns. The country, which has a history reaching back over two thousand years, is home to beautiful Pagodas such as the golden Shwedagon Monastery and massive Buddha statues that perch atop valleys with spectacular mountain backdrops.

This primarily Buddhist country is well-known for its arts and crafts, particularly sand paintings and draperies. The cosmopolitan Burmese food is a must-try for its wonderful spices, rich meat, and creamy sauces, with the perfect blend of Tibetan, Indian, Chinese, and Thai cuisine.

A trip to Myanmar during the monsoons is recommended for 7-10 days to explore these cultural gems and experience the country’s mystical charm.

Myanmar (Image Source: Getty)
Myanmar (Image Source: Getty)