Monsoon covered entire Haryana: not much rain today and tomorrow; Intensity of rain will increase from July 5, paddy planting affected

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Monsoon has covered entire Haryana. Now, on July 3 and 4, light rain activities will be seen in the state, whereas from July 5, the intensity and spread of rain may increase. Weather experts say that normally the monsoon covers the whole of India by July 8, but this time it has covered the entire country 6 days in advance. Now the humid winds coming from the Arabian Sea will start providing moisture to Northwest India.

Let us tell you that for the last few days, the monsoon is weak in North West India including Delhi and NCR. It is raining in isolated areas of Haryana. Its effect has started falling directly on the farmers. Farmers in Jind, Fatehabad, Kaithal have stopped paddy planting for the time being and are waiting for the rains. The farmers who have planted paddy in these districts are facing difficulty in providing sufficient water to the crop. Similar conditions are likely to prevail for the next 2-3 days.

Entire state covered, now waiting for rain

According to IMD Chandigarh, Southwest Monsoon has advanced into remaining parts of Haryana. Monsoon has covered the entire state. The Western Disturbance is a trough in the mid-tropospheric westerly winds about 5.8 km above average on its axis. Along Long the sea level has moved from about 76° east to 30° north.

On July 3, rain activity will be seen at a few places in Haryana.

On July 3, rain activity will be seen at a few places in Haryana.

No chance of rain today

In the weather forecast issued by the Meteorological Department for 5 days, it has been informed that there will be rains in Haryana on July 3, but isolated areas will remain light for some time. The level of rain that will be there is hardly possible up to 25 percent.

Rain activity will increase on July 4

However, its scope will increase on July 4. Rainfall level will be light in Ambala, Yamunanagar, Bhiwani, Charkhi Dadri, Gurugram, Palwal, Mewat, Faridabad. In other districts of the state, up to 50 percent rainfall activity will be recorded in the areas. After this, on July 5, rain activity will be seen at most places in Yamunanagar, Karnal, Hisar and Fatehabad. On the other hand, there is a possibility of rain at some places in other districts of the state.

This is the assessment of HAU

Dr. Khichad, Head of the Department of Agricultural Meteorology, HAU, told that the weather in Haryana will be generally changeable on July 3 and 4. Scattered drizzle is possible at a few places in the northern districts. After this, once again from July 5, the activity of monsoon is likely to increase in the state. During the night of July 5 to July 7, there is a possibility of good rain at most places in the state.

Skymet is also confident about rain

On the other hand, the weather forecasting agency Skymet has also predicted good rains in Haryana from July 5 to 10. According to Skymet, Monsoon has been weak over North West India including Delhi and NCR since last few days. It is raining in isolated areas of Haryana.

The east-west trough is south of Delhi, extending from northwest Rajasthan to northeast India. Intermittent light rain will continue till July 4. The intensity and spread of rains may increase after July 5. Humid air coming from the Arabian Sea will increase the amount of moisture in the state and rain clouds will be formed.

Till now this condition of rain

Except 7 districts in Haryana, monsoon is raining heavily in other 15 districts. From June 23 to 29, the state received 180 percent more rainfall than the overall normal. Talking about the entire month of June, 44 per cent more rainfall has been recorded against the normal rainfall of 50.5 mm. The Meteorological Department is of the view that the state has received large scale excess rainfall during the month. Monsoon is yet to rain. People are waiting for the monsoon rains.

In the data released by IMD on the rainfall received in a week, Jhajjar has received 760 percent more rainfall in the last 7 days of June, which is the highest in the state. Fatehabad is one such district which has received 72 per cent less rain this week than the normal. Which is the lowest in the state. While five districts have received heavy rains, five districts are facing drought. Here the farmers are waiting for the monsoon rains.

Ambala, Fatehabad, Hisar, Jind and Panchkula are the 5 districts where the rainfall is much less than normal. Fatehabad has received only 2.4 mm of rain on an average, while the normal rainfall here has been estimated at 8.5 mm. After this, there has been 61 percent less rainfall in Jind and 50 percent in Hisar. In Panchkula, this figure was 20 percent.