Monkey Man will be seen in the premises of Parliament House: Four people will be appointed to drive away the monkeys, will remove the voice of the langur

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Four People Kept In Parliament As Langoor To Drive Away Monkey From Parliament Premises

New Delhi4 hours ago

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These days there is terror of monkeys in the premises of Parliament House, which is called the temple of democracy. To drive away the monkeys, the central government has appointed four such people, who will drive away the monkeys by wearing the costume of the langur and making its sound. This information has been revealed from a notice issued by the Parliament Security Service.

A report was released by the Security Service on June 22. The report said that a large number of monkeys have been seen in the premises of the Parliament House. The report also mentions the dumping of left over food items of some personnel maintaining the building in the open.

According to the report, littering and open throwing of leftover food items can be one of the main reasons for attracting monkeys, cats and rats.

Langur was used to drive away monkeys.

An employee taken in the service to drive away the monkeys said that earlier a langur was kept in the Parliament premises to drive away the monkeys. Later it was banned for security reasons. The employee told- We have been kept on contract for this work. We will drive away the monkeys by making the sound of the langur and by other means.

The employee told that two types of workers are kept to drive away the monkeys, in which one category is skilled and the other is unskilled worker. Skilled workers get Rs 17,990 and unskilled workers Rs 14,900 per month.

In 2014, 40 employees used to drive away monkeys by becoming monkey men.
This is not the first time that such tactics have been adopted to avoid monkey terror in the premises of Parliament House. In 2014 also, a group of 40 such employees was prepared, who used to work as monkey men to drive away monkeys.

The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) had also procured rubber bullet guns for this work. For this Monkey Man used to get 700-800 rupees a day.

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