Modi’s visit to Uttarakhand: Appreciation of local skills, biggest contribution to the economy of remote areas

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • The Importance Of Local Skills, The Biggest Contribution To The Economy Of Remote Areas

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Uttarakhand wearing a Himachal dress. After visiting Kedarnath and Badrinath, what he said in the meeting held in Mana village is commendable. It is good for the country and shows the importance of local. Raises up. Modi said – every Indian should take a pledge that whenever he goes on any trip in the country, at least five percent of the total travel expenses must be spent on the purchase of local things.

Actually, the importance of local is everywhere, in every area. Take the language itself. Whatever be the language, the local dialects add flavor to it. Makes her beautiful and sweet. By the way, any language is enriched by the surrounding dialects and also gets expansion. Be it Nimadi, Malvi or Marwari, Khodadi and Mewari, these dialects have given a lot to Hindi and Hindi has accepted and mixed many words, idioms, proverbs of these dialects with respect.

Similarly take folk songs. There are many folk songs which got more praise than Hindi and also became popular. The Mand singing of Rajasthan has also given a lot to Hindustani vocal music. Listening to the manda, no one can question his classicality. That is why the Prime Minister emphasized on local things, their style of construction so that they do not die due to lack of market. Don’t get lost Every remote area in India has its own style. To make things, toys and other things of everyday use, all of them. If people from different states and places going on the trip don’t buy them, then what will the local artists eat there? How will the economy there run? How will the development of the region and the people of that region take place?

The concern of the Prime Minister is that if local skills are not respected, people will start fleeing in fear and if not today or tomorrow or at some point, that skill will almost certainly disappear.

The concern of the Prime Minister is that if local skills are not respected, people will start fleeing in fear and if not today or tomorrow or at some point, that skill will almost certainly disappear.

The concern of the Prime Minister is that if local skills are not respected, people will start fleeing in fear and if not today or tomorrow or at some point, that skill will almost certainly disappear.

This concern will definitely come among the people of the country and local things, local skills and art will be respected in any case, it can only be expected. There is no big expense. If only five percent of the total expenditure is spent on local things, then it will be the biggest contribution to the economy of the remote areas.

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