Modi lashed out at Congress in Himachal: said Congress means corruption and familyism; Loss of the state due to change of government after every 5 years

Solan/Sundernagarone day before

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who reached the state for the first time after the announcement of assembly elections in Himachal, said that Congress means guarantee of corruption, selfishness and nepotism. He said that there is uncertainty, anarchy, factionalism and instability in the Congress. Therefore, BJP government will have to be formed again for stability in Himachal.

On Saturday, the Prime Minister held public meetings in Sundernagar in the CM’s home district Mandi and Congress stronghold Solan. During this, he lashed out at the former Congress governments at the Center and in the state for repeating the mission of the BJP. He said that our government has given water in taps to 9 lakh houses, now mothers will bless me.

Jairam Sarkar has gained confidence: PM

The PM said that the people of the state have also made up their mind to repeat the BJP government on the basis of the trust that the Jai Ram government of Himachal has gained. He said that the farmers did not get the benefit of the loan waiver for which the Congress had trumpeted. BJP put 2000 rupees in the bank accounts of all the farmers. 9 lakh farmers of the state have benefited from this.

Urge the public to deliver ‘pranam’ from door to door

PM Modi urged the people present in the public meetings both in Solan and Sundarnagar to convey my ‘pranam’ to every house of Himachal. This will bless me.

Wrong to change government in 5 years

The PM said in Sundernagar that the opponents have kept the talk of changing the government in 5-5 years in your mind. This is hurting you. If you want accountability from the government, then the BJP government in Himachal will have to be given another chance.

appeal to suppress lotus flower

The PM said that there is no need to remember who is the BJP candidate, but to remember the lotus flower. Your vote on every single lotus flower will directly go to Modi’s account.

Vote for BJP if you want to make up for the loss: Modi

Narendra Modi said that if you put such people here who do not allow them to move forward, then there will be obstruction in the work. It is necessary for the BJP to win again and again to make up for the damage the Congress has done to Himachal during its rule.

Former Congress government built only 15 houses

Narendra Modi said that under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, only 15 houses were built till 2012-17 under the former Congress government of Himachal, while work on 10 thousand houses started during the tenure of Jai Ram government.

We have fulfilled the resolutions we took: Modi

The PM said that the BJP resolved to remove 370, build Ram Mandir and give one rank-one pension to the soldiers, and fulfilled it, while the Congress has always had a policy of swirl, hang, bhatkao.

PM suddenly got down from the car in Solan

Prime Minister Modi’s convoy was passing through Mall Road in Solan. Meanwhile, members of muscular dystrophy were waiting to welcome him near the circular road.

As soon as the PM’s convoy reached here, suddenly the brakes of the trains started. After a few moments the Prime Minister got down from his car and he interacted with all the children and also shook hands.

Country’s first scam done by Congress in defense sector: Modi

The Prime Minister said that after independence, the first scam of the country was done by the Congress in the defense sector and has eaten a lot of brokerage in defense deals.

Ambassadors of 3 countries arrived

Ambassadors of 3 countries also reached Solan to hear Prime Minister Modi. These ambassadors did not come to the rally site, but saw the election rally from close quarters. According to the information, the ambassadors of Nepal, Australia and New Zealand came to see the election rally to know about India’s democracy system.

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