Mistake in the security of the Vice President in Amritsar: Had to wait 15 minutes at Durgyana temple, the administration said – the schedule did not change even after being told earlier

Amritsar17 hours ago

Nearly 10 and a half months after the lapse in the security of the country’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Punjab, now an increased lapse in the security of Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar has come to the fore. Jagdeep Dhankhar, who arrived on Amritsar tour with his family, had to wait for 15 minutes at Durgyana temple on Wednesday. While he had reached the temple on time.

Amritsar DC Harpreet Singh Sudan says that in the schedule that came from the Vice President’s office, Durgyana was to reach at 2:55 am, but the Vice President left Jallianwala Bagh early and reached Durgyana. This information was given to the Vice President and his security advisor.

Changes made in the award ceremony
He said that the felicitation ceremony, which was to be held later, was shifted earlier after the Vice President reached Durgyana temple early. After the opening of the doors at 3 o’clock, the Vice President bowed his head in Durgyana.

Vice President came with family
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar was on a visit to Amritsar along with his family on Wednesday. At 12:30 he reached Golden Temple with family, Jallianwala Bagh at 2 o’clock and at 2:40 he reached Durgyana temple with his convoy, but still he had to wait 15 minutes at Durgyana temple.

The Vice President bowing down at the Durgyana Temple.

The Vice President bowing down at the Durgyana Temple.

The doors of the temple are closed at 2 o’clock.
According to the rules, the doors of the temple are closed at 2 o’clock, this rule also came into force on Wednesday. When Jagdeep Dhankhar reached Durgyana temple at 2:40 pm, the doors of the temple were closed. After which he had to wait there for 15 minutes. Later the doors were opened for them.

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar reached Durgyana temple with family.

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar reached Durgyana temple with family.

Time was not taken care of in the schedule itself
The doors of the Durgyana temple are closed at 2 o’clock every day as per the rules. The district administration knew this better. In such a situation, yet his schedule was fixed at 2:40. Surprisingly, neither the district administration nor the security advisors of the Vice President paid any attention to this matter. Due to which the Vice President had to wait for 15 minutes for the doors to open in Durgyana. The district administration says that the Vice President left Jallianwala Bagh early, due to which he had to wait at the Durgyana temple.

After waiting for 15 minutes, Vice President Jagdish Dhankhar went to the Durgyana temple.

After waiting for 15 minutes, Vice President Jagdish Dhankhar went to the Durgyana temple.

There was a lapse in the security of the Prime Minister in January
This is not the first case of lapse in security of VVIPs in Punjab. A major lapse in the security of the Prime Minister came to the fore on January 5, ahead of the 2022 Punjab Assembly elections. At that time there was a Congress government in Punjab. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was to lay the foundation stone of the satellite center of PGI in Ferozepur.

The PM had reached Bathinda by plane. From here he left for Ferozepur by road due to rain. Earlier PM Modi was supposed to reach Bathinda airport by helicopter, but due to bad weather the helicopter could not take off. For this reason, the route was arranged for them on the spot. On the way some people blocked the road. This was considered by the Union Home Ministry as a lapse in the security of the PM and the Punjab government had to answer it.

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