Mission Juice will detect life on Jupiter: will be launched from Europe in April, spacecraft will do research for eight years

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After finding more than a dozen lunar worlds around Jupiter, it has become the planet with the most moons.

A mission will be launched from Europe on April 13 for research about the moons found around Jupiter. Spacecraft or Moons Explorer has been named Juice. The one who will study the moons. Also it will find out whether life is possible on Jupiter or not. Juice has reached Europe’s space port in French Guiana for final preparations. It will be launched through Ariane-5 rocket.

Before launching in April, experts and engineers are testing and inspecting the spacecraft. The spacecraft will be equipped with juice advanced remote sensing, geo physical, and payloads. Which can be flown in the solar system anytime. It will do research on Jupiter for eight years. Where he will explore the icy moons. It will also try to find answers to the evolution of the largest planet in our solar system.

Jupiter became the planet with the most moons
Let us tell you that after getting more than a dozen Lunar Worlds (Chandra Sansar) around Jupiter recently, it has become the planet with the most number of moons. Now it has 92 moons. Earlier Saturn was at the forefront with 83 moons.

Jupiter is five times farther from the Sun than Earth.

Jupiter is five times farther from the Sun than Earth.

Why are we going to Jupiter?
Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. It is five times more distant from the Sun than the Earth. When the spacecraft will return in 2031, it will become clear whether life is possible on Jupiter other than Earth and Venus.

The European Space Agency said that this mission will also help in understanding whether life is possible in icy worlds and different types of gases. However, the most important goal of this mission is to study the moons found around Jupiter.

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