Mining poses threat to national security: Underground bunkers collapsed on Indo-Pak border in Punjab; Army reports to HC

Chandigarh20 minutes ago

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Before the army, BSF has also told the threat of illegal mining.

Mining in Punjab has become a major threat to the national security. The hearing was held in the Punjab and Haryana High Court on Thursday. In which the army submitted a report of 5 points. In which it was said that the bunkers built on the India-Pakistan International Border are being damaged due to mining. These bunkers are on the border passing through Amritsar. Hundreds of trucks pass over the bunkers every day, causing the bunkers to collapse.

Flood risk due to mining

The army said that this is weakening the bunkers. If there is a face-to-face fight, then it can be difficult to counter-attack. Not only this, due to mining, the flow of water can change in the rain. This can lead to flood-like situations. If this happens, there is a danger of destroying the bunker. In this matter, the High Court had summoned a report from the Punjab government, but the government took time again today.

Mining has been banned in Gurdaspur and Pathankot
Earlier, the High Court has stopped all types of mining, legal or illegal, in Gurdaspur and Pathankot. Here too BSF and Army had raised questions on mining. BSF had said who are the people doing mining here? There is no record of this. Mining is going on day and night. Due to the sound of mining, the drone coming from Pakistan is not known.

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