Millions of fans of 3-year-old girl’s voice-style: The first song was seen by 10 crore people, the reel has become a big star of Bollywood

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  • Three year old Alizeh Sings Songs In A Lovely Tumbling Voice, Millions Of Views On Insta YouTube, Many Insta Stars Including Honey Singh Have Made Reel

quota4 hours ago

There are crores of fans of Kotali’s Totli voice-style, a 3-year-old girl from Kota. Before that the song was seen by more than 10 crore people and big Bollywood stars have made reel on it.

Alije’s maternal uncle Adil Rizvi has a studio in Kota itself. Mama Salman Elahi wrote the song ‘My heart is lost in the mountains…’. Adil recorded this song by getting it shot in his studio in the voice of Alize. He uploaded this song on his YouTube channel Ariz Music and Film 6 months ago. Along with this, he also shared it on Alije’s Insta account. After this, this song became so trending in Totli voice that till now more than 100 million people have seen it on Insta. Adil told that most of Alize’s time was spent in the recording studio itself. Along with speaking, he also started singing.

Honey Singh and comedian Bharti Singh have made reel
People are very fond of this voice of Alize. More than 5 lakh people have made reels on the song ‘My heart is lost in the mountains…’. Bollywood’s popular rapper Honey Singh, comedian Bharti Singh and Hina Khan have also shared reel on Alije’s song on their account. Apart from this, more than 3 lakh views have been received on YouTube.

Learned singing by staying with maternal uncle
Alije’s father Irfan Mohammad works in a bank and mother Afroz Rizvi is a teacher. Parents told that she started singing a year ago and is currently studying in nursery. Will continue to learn music along with studies and soon other songs of Alizee are also coming. After the song became a hit, offers from many ad agencies are also coming. Alize stayed with Mama from the beginning. In such a situation, he learned to sing in the studio.

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