Militant organization ULFA in an attempt to flourish again: 300 youths have been admitted to the organization, now NIA has the responsibility of investigation

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  • 300 Youths Were Admitted To The Organization, Now NIA Has The Responsibility Of Investigation

GuwahatiOne hour agoAuthor: Satya Narayan Mishra

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In Assam, the banned militant organization ULFA-I (United Liberation Front of Assam-Independent) is trying to rise again. The report of the Ministry of Home Affairs has come out regarding this. It said that the organization is engaged in recruiting youths in Assam as well as Delhi-NCR and giving them militant training. It has been learned that in the last months, about 150 youths have been recruited.

According to the report, ULFA is preparing for a major attack on soldiers and civilians along with kidnapping. After this report, the Ministry of Home Affairs has handed over the investigation to the National Investigation Agency. Officials of intelligence agencies have admitted that a large number of youth are associated with ULFA-I. According to the information, more than 300 youths from tea garden areas have joined ULFA-I. Some youths from villages to Guwahati are said to be missing and later join ULFA.

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ULFA camps operating in Myanmar border
In Assam, due to strict police vigil, militant organizations are running a new training camp in the Myanmar border. From there, one has to pass through the Naga areas for movement, where one gets to stay in some villages.
There, in the Myanmar border, these militant organizations depend on NSCN (IM) for ration and water. In return, the Naga insurgent organization has to pay an annual amount. But paid the amount for a long time.

Facebook group created, the youth of the villages are trapped
According to sources, the 40-decade-old ULFA has also set up its Facebook group along with expressing its willingness to negotiate a ceasefire and peace talks with the government. Through this and through his network, he is trying to woo the youth. For this he is going far and wide.

The remote villages of areas like ULFA’s stronghold Pengiri, Kakopathar are far away from development. It is easy to trap the youth there because of poverty. In May, ULFA-I chief Paresh Barua sentenced two members to death for being informers.

40 lakh laborers in tea gardens, but hands empty
Apart from more than 40 lakh laborers, a large number of other people have also been associated with the tea gardens of Assam since the British era. Yet, since independence till now, nothing has been done to improve their condition.

Their compulsion has been taken advantage of in recent years by militant organizations operating in Assam and other states of the Northeast. Organizations do extortion. Regarding this, Special Director General of Police (Law and Order) GP Singh has instructed ONGC officers to be alert from ULFA.

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