Migration due to rumors in Tamil Nadu, factories affected: A month and a half ago, the controversy over cigarette smoke turned into a whirlwind

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Tiruppur7 minutes agoAuthor: Sunil Singh Baghel from Tiruppur

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About a month and a half ago, no one had thought that rumors would turn into such a huge whirlwind of a dispute that arose due to cigarette smoke in a tea shop in Tiruppur. After this, such false stories of harassment of outside workers came out in Tamil Nadu that the exodus of people started. Due to this, 70% of the factories in Tirupur, which accounts for more than 50% of the country’s textile exports, have reached the verge of closure.

In Bihar, there is a reaction to the winds blowing from here, while on the other hand, in Tamil Nadu, a pro-locality party like Tamilar Kutchi (NTK) is busy consolidating its political ground by giving Tamil-non-Tamil color to this dispute. As a result, today up to 70% of North Indian laborers have left. However, a large number of them also go home due to Holi, weddings.

Panic also visible at Tiruppur railway station
Trains going from Tiruppur to UP-Bihar are after 4:00 pm, but there is a crowd of people since afternoon. People coming to the station cite Holi or marriage as the reason for their return. Although the nervousness is clearly visible on their faces. Vikram Kumar of Jamui has come from Bihar to pick up 4 sisters.

When the train was missed, the corner of the station was made a hideout. Meanwhile, the body of a North Indian was found on the tracks on Thursday night. If this is an accident for the local administration, it is another cause of panic for the outsiders.

Haven’t happened to most, but everyone has heard
Abhishek of Sitamarhi says that it is normal for the local people to threaten and ask for money for liquor. I also had to give Sharad Lal says that the laborers who are left are in their homes. I’m scared If the atmosphere improves after Holi, I will return, otherwise I will go to Delhi. If we leave, the city will be haunted.

Vivek of Muzaffarpur says that there is more rumor on social media. Nothing happened to anyone, no one even saw it. People are leaving the city due to rumours.

Bihar and Tamil Nadu government also active
Bihar CM Nitish Kumar has sent a team to Tamil Nadu to investigate the matter. The team held discussions with the Collector and Labor Commissioner of Chennai. On the other hand, Tiruppur Collector Vineet Kumar along with the police is assuring the safety of the workers by going to the places and factories. Kumar says we are fighting on two fronts. On one hand fighting rumors on social media, on the other building trust among migrants. Has issued helpline, says Hindi-speaking DCP Abhishek Gupta. Taking immediate action on complaints.

Satya Prakash of Barauni, UP It is said that not in the name of language, but our hard work is the reason for the irritation of the local people. Confirmation Tiruppur Export Association Secretary S. Shaktivel also says that there are no local labourers. Those who are there do not want to work. North Indians work for 12 to 14 hours. While the locals want full money but do not work for more than 8 hours.

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