Men like wives dancing on fingers: 9 out of 10 men like this, women are better leader-actor-business women, yet they do not get opportunities

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  • 9 Out Of 10 Men Like This, Women Are Better Leader actor business Women, Yet They Do Not Get Opportunities

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Women should get out of the house and make their career. Along with taking care of the house, achieve heights in the office. Make your position in politics, acting and business.. men of our country accept all this, but at the same time they want the leaves to obey their orders. This was revealed in the report of American think tank Pew Research Center.

The Pew Research Center conducted a survey on gender problems in India between the years 2019-20, in which 29,999 Indians were included. The report of this survey was released on March 2. The report said that Indian men accept women as politicians, but most people are in favor of women taking on traditional responsibilities. Further, 9 out of 10 Indians believe that women should always obey their husbands.

Women should take care of children
The report noted that there were differences between women and men regarding the traditional division of domestic work. Regarding handling children, most are of the opinion that both should be given time. While 34% of female respondents say that the primary care of children should be done by men.

Earning is the work of men, they get priority in the job
On the issue of jobs and earnings, 54% believe that both men and women should earn, while 43% believe that it is the responsibility of men to earn money and run the household. At the same time, 80 percent of Indians believe that men should be given preference over women when there is a shortage of jobs. However, this thinking is less among educated people.

According to the survey, 43% of Indians believe that it is the responsibility of men and not women to run a household by earning money.

According to the survey, 43% of Indians believe that it is the responsibility of men and not women to run a household by earning money.

Changed attitude on women’s safety, said – teach men to respect
The report said that attitudes towards women’s safety have changed over the years. However, one in four still thinks women should behave fairly in order to protect themselves. The survey also said that women are responsible for crimes against women. However, 75% of Indians believe that violence against women is a major problem. More than half of Indians feel that men should be taught to respect women.

Women are good leaders, yet they do not get opportunities
Women constitute almost half of India’s voter base. Has the ability to be a good leader, yet in politics they do not get more opportunities than men. Political parties field women in only a few seats in any election. However, Indians have shown a strong tendency to accept women as political leaders. The majority i.e. 55% said that women and men are equally good political leaders and 14% said that women can be better leaders than men.

A son is necessary in the family
In India, 94% of the people believe that it is necessary to have a son in the family, while 90% said that there should be a son and a daughter. 64% of Indians believe that the son and daughter should have equal rights over the property of the parents. 4 out of 10 adults said that taking care of elderly parents was a responsibility of sons, while only 2% said the same about daughters. And 16% of women said that they have personally felt discrimination on the basis of gender.

90% of Indians believe that there should be one son and one daughter in the family.

90% of Indians believe that there should be one son and one daughter in the family.

Responsibility for the last rites of the sons
According to the report, most Indians say that the responsibility of the funeral of the parents should be primarily with the sons. 74% of Jains, 67% of Muslims and 63% of Hindus say that sons should be the primary responsibility of the parents’ funeral. At the same time, 29% of Sikhs, 44% of Christians and 46% of Buddhists expect this from their sons. Along with this, he also says that the responsibility of the funeral of the parents should be of both the son and the daughter. If the son does not raise, then the daughter should take up this responsibility.

Survey done in these states of the country
The Pew Research Center survey included the states of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar and Jharkhand. In the southern states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

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