Mehbooba’s daughter gets passport for UAE: Validity will remain for two years, issued after High Court’s intervention

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  • Validity Will Remain For Two Years, Issued Near The Intervention Of The High Court

Srinagar29 minutes ago

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Following the intervention of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court, Iltija, daughter of former Jammu and Kashmir CM and PDP President Mehbooba Mufti, has been issued a ‘Country Specific Passport’ for two years for her studies in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In fact, the Jammu and Kashmir Police CID had given a report against the issuance of passports, that’s why Iltija was not being issued a passport. Officials gave this information on Thursday. The passport is valid from April 5, 2023 to April 4, 2025. There is a stamp on the passport about this.

35-year-old Iltija's old passport had expired on January 2, 2023.

35-year-old Iltija’s old passport had expired on January 2, 2023.

pApplication was given last year
Iltija, 35, had approached the Jammu and Kashmir High Court in February after her application for a passport was not approved. His old passport had expired on January 2, 2023. He had applied for a new passport on June 8 last year. The court had directed the Regional Passport Office (RPO) to look into the matter.

On March 29, the CID moved the court to dismiss Iltija’s application. The CID informed the High Court that its final verification report had been sent to the Regional Passport Office in February. Senior SP of Jammu and Kashmir CID said that there is no ground to approach the court in the matter. Because neither any fundamental nor legal right has been violated in giving the report.

CID had given a report against the passport in February.
The RPO, in a letter to the Additional Solicitor General, has informed that the J&K CID report received in February is not in favor of issuing passports. Srinagar passport officer Davinder Kumar sought a detail report from the CID on whether there was any charge sheet or FIR against Iltija. However the CID refused to share its report and said that the passport should not be issued.

Didn’t do any favor – Iltija

Iltija said that the CID report is full of lies.

Iltija said that the CID report is full of lies.

Iltija said that he has not done me any favor. He wondered why the validity of the passport is only for two years and that too only for the UAE. I am thankful to the honorable court but the big question is on the behavior of CID. She is misusing the power by making passport a weapon. Iltija said that the CID report is full of lies. CID is a violation of my rights so that I cannot be issued a passport. In addition, the adverse reports are classified as top secret. And on this also the report has been declared top secret as CID has nothing concrete against me.
Mehbooba has also not got passport
In March 2021, Mehbooba and her 80-year-old mother Gulshan Nazir were denied passports citing “adverse reports” against them. Mehbooba’s passport expired on May 31, 2019, and she returned on December 11, 2020 applied afresh. His mother had also applied for a passport to make a religious pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia in 2020.
Mehbooba’s passport application is still pending. However, on the directions of the High Court, the authorities had issued a passport to his mother in February.

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