Mathura’s Krishna told the importance of the lamp 4000 years ago: for the return of ancestors, 5000 years ago, a rocket-like meteorite was lit for the return of the ancestors

21 minutes agoAuthor: Devanshu Tiwari

Diwali, the festival of lights, is celebrated in the month of Kartik from Trayodashi of Krishna Paksha to Bhai Dooj. But this custom is not new. The tradition of celebrating Diwali for 5 days is going on from Tretayuga to Dwapar Yuga. When did Diwali start? When was the first rocket launched? Let me explain you with proof…

  • Beginning 5000 years ago with Dwapar Yuga…

Lord Krishna told the importance of earthen lamps

The state of Madra is a place spread on both sides of the present-day India-Pakistan border. Map source- Indology Foundation.

Lalit Mishra, a well-known historian of the country, explains, “Sri Krishna has told the importance of earthen lamps in the Skanda Purana. In the Kartik Mahatmya of Skanda Purana, Krishna explains that the destroyer of darkness is part of the sun in the earthen lamps. First of all madra state The residents of the village had started celebrating the festival of lamp, whose information somehow reached the demon king Bali, they were surprised, because at that time lighting in the night was a completely new phenomenon. Bali started the festival of lighting lamps with pomp in his kingdom only after this incident.” Vamana Avatar took place at the beginning of Tretayuga, since then Deepawali has been going on continuously.

Evidence of getting the first lamp in Balochistan 4000 years ago
The state of Madra was formed by combining present-day North Punjab and Jammu. Archaeologically, this area has been the border zone of the Indus Valley culture. There is evidence of getting earthen lamps from the Indus Valley Civilization from about the fourth millennium BC i.e. 4000 to 5000 years ago. This was the time when people started cow rearing and cotton cultivation. Similarly, all the necessary things related to lighting the lamp were present in this period. That is, from the fourth millennium BC, lamps were started in India.

Ancient Rockets are mentioned in Skanda Purana and Agni Purana.
Indology Foundation organization is working on historical buildings related to Indian Archaeology. According to a study of the organization, we know from the verses of Skanda Purana and Agnipuran that around 5000 years ago on the night of Diwali, torches in hands or other vessels from which sparks were raised, were used during Deepotsav, whom ‘Meteorites’ Used to say

One aspect of Diwali celebration is also associated with the happiness of ancestors. According to verse number 09.65 in the Kartikmas Mahatmya of the Sankad Purana, the ancestors who came from Pitru Lok in the month of Ashwin go back to Deepawali, on whose return ‘Ulkahstam’ There was an action.

alexander “as soon as the latter (Greeks) approached they were driven off by rockets of fire and thunderbolts. which were hurled obliquely from above and fell upon their armour.”

Kautilya wrote about gunpowder 2,396 years ago
375 BC i.e. about 2,396 years ago, Kautilya has given the method of making Tejanchurna in the fourteenth chapter of Arthashastra. This is also written in page number 592 of Shamashastri edition. a kind of tamarind Ignition powder That is, there was gunpowder.

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