Mathura: Seeking action against ‘molester’, woman sets herself ablaze in front of police station, dies | Agra News – Times of India

AGRA: A woman who set herself on fire in front of a police station in Mathura on Saturday, alleging that she had been molested in the past and that police took no action, succumbed to her burn injuries on Sunday.
The woman’s abuser along with a few others had allegedly been harassing her to withdraw a five-year-old complaint against him. She had suffered 96% burn injuries when she was brought to the district hospital for treatment, according to the emergency medical officer. Later, she was referred to Agra’s S N Medical College because of her critical condition, where she died on Sunday.
Police registered an FIR under Sections 306 (abetment of suicide) and 511 (attempting to commit offences punishable with imprisonment for life) of the IPC against four persons, including the village pradhan’s father, for allegedly pressuring her to withdraw the complaint against the accused.
A panchayat was allegedly held in the woman’s village earlier this month, in which 50 residents had participated. Members along with the accused pressured the woman to withdraw her complaint as the matter was still pending in court. They allegedly threatened her with “dire consequences” if she did not do so.
Following the tragic turn in the case, one of the four accused was arrested and remanded to judicial custody on Sunday. A manhunt has been launched to arrest the others.
It was in July 2017 that the woman was allegedly molested. The man was arrested by police after registration of an FIR under Section 354 (criminal force to outrage the modesty of a woman) of the IPC but was later released on bail after 15 days of incarceration. He and his henchmen had been threatening her ever since.
