In Nagamangala, a town located 45 kilometers from Mandya in Karnataka, significant unrest unfolded recently during a Ganpati procession. The disturbance occurred as the festivities, which were meant to be a celebratory event, turned into chaos due to an unexpected outbreak of violence and fire. The trouble began when tensions escalated between different groups participating in the procession. Reports indicate that disputes arose over various issues, including the route of the procession and the volume of music played. These disagreements quickly spiraled out of control, leading to confrontations between the groups. Amid the commotion, some individuals resorted to violence, setting off a series of fires that engulfed several vehicles and damaged properties along the route. Local authorities and fire services were promptly deployed to manage the situation and contain the blaze. The intensity of the fire and the scale of the damage prompted a significant response from emergency services, who worked to extinguish the flames and restore order. Despite their efforts, the damage was substantial, with several businesses and homes affected. The incident has led to heightened security in the area, with additional police forces being stationed to prevent further violence and maintain public order. The local administration is also investigating the cause of the conflict and the extent of the damage. This event has raised concerns about communal tensions and the need for better management of public events to prevent such escalations in the future.