Married with a dollop of clothes – now a mother: someone in a relationship with a car, married with pizza and a plane, and a cat became someone’s bride

  • Hindi News
  • Women
  • The Woman Is Suffering From A Strange Disease; Some Are In A Relationship With A Car, Some Have Married A Plane And Some Have Married Themselves.

New Delhi5 minutes ago

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A surprising case has come to light from Brazil. Here this 37-year-old woman has married a cloth doll. Along with this, he has also claimed to have a child. The doll whom the woman has married is named Marcelo.

Actually, the matter was that a woman named Meriwon Roca Maures had no boyfriend. She felt completely alone. So her mother brought a cloth bag for her daughter. The mother had no idea that her daughter would fall in love with that doll so much that she would marry him. She got married with all the rituals and she also went on honeymoon. Many guests also came to this wedding. Like a normal wedding, food and drink also took place and guests also came. There was also a photo session and that girl also wore a ring to Gudde. She loves her Gudde family and hates those who call it Gudda or Doll.

Woman suffering from strange disease
According to the report of The Sun website, such people fall in love with lifeless things. The name of this disease is Objectophilia, due to which the sufferer has a romantic relationship with lifeless things. There are many people around the world who love their car, plane, phone, sofa, bed and many more.

man madly in love with car
Similarly, a man named Nathiel from America has claimed that he is in a relationship with his car. He is deeply in love with his Chevy Monte Carlo car and is in a relationship with it since 1998. He says he has even built a relationship with his car.

Woman married with plane
A German woman named Sarah Rodeo is in love with a Boeing 737-800 plane, so they have even given it a nickname, she calls him ‘Dickie’ in German, which means darling. Sarah finds the 737-800 plane to be the most beautiful and attractive aircraft in the world. This plane has won his heart. Sara has made a small model of the plane. She sleeps at night by hugging him. He says that this is a normal relationship.

Woman married herself, first case in India
A woman married herself in Vadodara, Gujarat. There was no groom to take rounds with her in this marriage. This is the first case in India where a girl did a solo wedding. Earlier most of the girls in Japan have adopted solo wedding. In today’s time, this trend is being adopted very fast not only in Japan but also in Italy, Australia, Taiwan, America and UK.

Changed its name because of the Eiffel Tower
The 50-year-old woman, who came into the limelight after marrying the Eiffel Tower in Paris in 2007, is again in the news. Now this woman’s heart has come to the wooden enclosure after 15 years of marriage. 50-year-old Erica LaBrie is from America.

Was alone then married with pizza!
A Russian man has surprised everyone by marrying Pizza. He says that his pizza bride will never betray him, and that a man’s love for food never diminishes throughout his life. They say that half of his friends were upset with their better half and half were worried about not having a better half. Then he felt that the love of humans is not permanent, so he married Pizza.

Married to Twin Towers
This woman named Amy Walls of New York has been in a relationship with many buildings, things like Twin Towers and Church Organ. But Amy’s true love, suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome, is a fairground ride called 1001 Nachch at Nobel Amusement Park in Pennsylvania.

Married with goat, took dowry
According to Sudanese law, if a man is found sleeping with a woman, he has to marry her out of respect for her family. In 2006, when Charles was caught physically abusing a goat, he not only had to marry that goat, but also had to pay a dowry to the goat’s owner.

If the bridegroom did not reach then marry the snake
A Hindu woman claims to be in love with a snake. He also got married according to Hindu customs. More than 2 thousand people attended this wedding. The groom did not reach this wedding. Then Bimbla got married with a brass idol of snake.

Married to the Eiffel Tower
After falling in love with the Eiffel Tower at first sight, Erica La married it. Her first love was a bow, with the help of which she became a world class archer. The Eiffel Tower is his true love and he has also changed his name to Erica La Tour Eiffel.

wedding dress on pillow
Korea’s Li Chin marries a pillow with a picture of a girl on it. This pillow of very large size is called ‘Dakimkura’. This pillow was also worn by Lee as a wedding dress.

Dolphin happened at first sight to Launda
A British woman named Cindy fell in love at first sight with a dolphin. This love lasted for 15 years and then Cindy sealed the relationship by performing a wedding ceremony in Israel with a kiss and a gift (herring).

self married
Liu Yi of China did not want to be single, so he married himself. Made her effigy made of cardboard in a cute red dress and got married with her.

forced marriage with a cat
This man from Germany had married a cat. Her cat is just a guest for a few days, so she decides to marry her pet cat. No German officer was ready to do this marriage, then an actress got him married.

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