Man Uses Pvt Pics To Blackmail Schoolgirls, They Get Him Killed | Chennai News – Times of India

Chennai: The Arambakkam police on Monday detained two Class X students from Chengalpet in connection with the murder of a 21-year-old college student, who was blackmailing the girls using intimate photographs he had taken.
The body of Premkumar of Otteri was found buried at Eachangadu village in Tiruvallur on Sunday after villagers alerted police on spotting hair and bloodied teeth at a deserted location. Police said investigations led them to the two girls, who had paid Premkumar 50,000 each over the last year after he threatened to publish their photos online. He befriended them on Instagram and neither was initially aware they were involved with the same man.
Unable to handle the blackmailer’s pressure, the girls asked Ashok, another youth they had befriended recently on Instagram, to help them snatch Premkumar’s phone and delete the photos. Police said Ashok and three of his friends from Red Hills used the girls to lure Premkumar to Sholavaram toll plaza on Friday morning and kidnapped him. Later that night, Ashok and another friend took Premkumar to Eechangadu where they allegedly murdered and buried him. “We have launched a hunt for Ashok. Only after we nab him will we know what exactly happened,” said an investigating officer.
Premkumar’s body was handed over to his family on Monday after autopsy at Government Stanley Hospital.
