Man burnt alive in Assam: Kangaroo court sentenced to death, accused of murder of woman

2 hours ago

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In a village in Assam’s Nagaon district, a man was burnt alive after the verdict of the Kangaroo Court. The man was accused of killing a woman, after which some people of the village sentenced him to death while holding a public hearing.

In this case, the police have arrested 5 people, including 3 women.

After burning the man alive, the villagers hid the body in a secluded place to destroy the evidence.

After burning the man alive, the villagers hid the body in a secluded place to destroy the evidence.

The people of the village had sentenced to death
This is the whole case of Boralalun village of Nagaon district. Sabita Pator, who lives in the village, was murdered by 5 people together. It was being investigated by the Kangaroo Court. Those allegedly involved in the murder were prosecuted.

Meanwhile, another woman claimed that she was an eyewitness to the incident and saw 5 people killing the woman. The main accused Ranjit confessed to the murder of the woman, after which the Kangaroo Court sentenced him to death.

The superintendent of police said that the incident is of Boralalun village under Samaguri police station area.

The superintendent of police said that the incident is of Boralalun village under Samaguri police station area.

tied to a tree, beaten, then burnt alive
Police officials said that the villagers dragged the accused who killed the woman from her house and tied her to a tree and beat her up. After that he was burnt alive. The villagers buried the scorched body.

Villagers say that Ranjit was sentenced to death because he had killed the woman while practicing witchcraft.

The Kangaroo Court pronounced the death sentence after the body of a 22-year-old woman was recovered from the pond.

The Kangaroo Court pronounced the death sentence after the body of a 22-year-old woman was recovered from the pond.

Villagers tried to destroy the evidence
Nagaon sub-divisional police officer Mrinmoy Das said that they received information that the man had been burnt alive in Boralalungon. After this the villagers buried the body to destroy the evidence. After hard work, we found the body and sent it for post-mortem. Some people have been arrested in this case, whose interrogation is going on.

Kangaroo court takes decision under the pressure of people
The Kangaroo Court has a centuries-old tradition. In the year 2011, it has been declared illegal. Such courts are still running in the village and the countryside. In this, some people of the village hold court and if any accused is found in any case, then give shocking orders. In kangaroo courts, decisions are not pronounced, but under the pressure of the people or the flow of emotions.

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