Madyamik: In the examination book, the name of ‘Ipushpa’ was written, a strong message to the board

– Just fill in the blanks and write bad words. Not a word is written in the answer. This time the Central Board of Education took strict action in this regard. It is learned that the books of those candidates have been shown to the parents. It has been asked to be careful so that these candidates do not do such work in future.

According to the Central Board of Education, this time 11 secondary examinees have written various kinds of bad words in their books. All those books have been canceled. Not only that, the school authorities are contacted on behalf of the Board of Secondary Education. Then the guardians of those candidates were called. They were called and shown the answer sheet. At the same time, the board warned that the candidates should not do such work. It is learned that one of the books which contains such gossip has caught my eye. There, the dialogue of the film ‘Ipushpa’ has come to light. It is written, ‘- Pushpa Raj, you don’t write.’

It is to be noted that every year some candidates fail in the secondary examination. However, there is not a single instance of filling the page and writing bad words in this way. Meanwhile, in a tweet message, the Chief Minister congratulated the successful candidates and also commented on those who failed the exam. In this context, the Chief Minister wrote in his tweet, “Those whose results were not as expected, should not be left alone. This fight will have to continue tomorrow. ‘