‘Madrasas don’t need government’: Madani said in Darul Uloom’s conference – if madarsa-mosque is built on government land, break it yourself

Saharanpur2 hours ago

The Yogi government has decided to conduct a survey of unrecognized madrassas running in UP. Regarding this, a conference was held in the Masjid Rashidiya of Darul Uloom Deoband in Saharanpur regarding the survey of madrassas.

During this, Maulana Arshad Madani, National President of Jamiat-Ulama-e-Hind said, “Survey is the right of the government. But, madrassas do not need government. There is no illegal activity in madrassas. We are not opposing the survey. We will give complete information. If a madrasa-mosque is built on government land, then break it yourself.”

He said, “Boys who will bring high school certificate from outside. They will also be given admission in Darul Uloom. They will also be given dini training. Outside education is also necessary.” All the madrasa operators supported it by raising their hands.

Maulana Madani said that the government should not target madrasas, Muslims and mosques.

Earlier, high school certificate was not required for admission. On Sunday, about 500 madrassa operators and more than 5 thousand people became part of the conference in Masjid Rashidiya. Talking to the media in Mehmood Hall, Maulana Arshad Madani said, “There is no objection to the survey of madrasas of Yogi government. Help the madrasa operator in the survey, because nothing is hidden or hidden inside madrassas. The doors of madrasas are always open for everyone.

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New guidelines may be issued today
So far, survey has been done in about 250 madrasas of Deoband. Meanwhile, the Ulama are questioning the Yogi government regarding the survey. It is believed that a new guideline may be issued by Darul Uloom for the madrasa operators. ,

This picture is from outside the mosque.  Force has been deployed in view of the event.

This picture is from outside the mosque. Force has been deployed in view of the event.

Committee will remove the shortcomings of madrasas
Maulana Hakimuddin Qasmi says, “Now the 12 member committee will be in touch with the madrassas. If there are some shortcomings inside the madrasas, then work will be done to remove them. If needed, this committee will talk directly to the government on this issue. So that, the misunderstandings are cleared. Final decision will be taken on all the issues. After that talks will be held with the government also.”

He said, “The government should not target madrassas or Muslims. Whatever is necessary in the interest of the country, those works should be done in a constitutional manner. The way the government is targeting madrasas, an entire section should be targeted. The message is going out. We oppose this.”

12 member staring committee will talk to the government
A 12 member Steering Committee was constituted in the meeting. In this, Mohtamim Maulana Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani of Darul Uloom Deoband, Maulana Syed Arshad Madani, National President of Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind, Jamiat-Ulam-e-Hind National President and former MP Maulana Mahmood Madani, Jamiat Ulama Hind General Secretary Maulana Hakimuddin Qasmi, Mohtamim Maulana Mohammad Sufiyan Qasmi of Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband, Naib Mohtamim Mufti Rashid Azmi of Darul Uloom Deoband, Maulana Ashfaq Azmi, Niyaz Farooqui, Kamal Farooqui, Mujtaba Farooq, Maulana Ashhad Rashidi and Maulana Azhar have been included.

Intelligence agencies alert about this conference
Heavy police-PAC has been deployed in Darul Uloom for the survey of madrassas. Along with this, intelligence teams have also been alerted. On the other hand, the top officers are also keeping an eye on Deoband directly. Releasing the manifesto, Maulana Mufti Shaukat Bastavi, Nazim of Hind Rabta-e-Madaris Islamia, said that madrassas have never been found to be involved in anti-national activities. Therefore the media should have a positive attitude towards madrassas.

He said that there is no need to panic with the survey as madrasas are an open book. Their doors are always open for everyone. Therefore, if the government conducts a survey, there is no need to be afraid of it, but give correct information while cooperating fully in it.

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