Lizard found in mid-day meal: condition of 25 children deteriorated in government school of Muzaffarnagar, parents created ruckus

Muzaffarnagar4 hours ago

The condition of 25 children deteriorated after a lizard was found in the mid-day meal at a government school in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar. The children have been admitted to the district hospital. On getting information about the matter, the family members of the children reached the school and created a ruckus. Basic Education Officer (BSA) Shubham Shukla reached the spot and pacified the parents who were creating ruckus.

The family alleges that insects are often found here in the mid-day meal. No one takes any action even after complaining. Minister Kapil Dev Aggarwal also reached to see the children admitted in the district hospital and gave instructions for proper treatment.

After eating the mid-day meal, the children’s health deteriorated, they were taken to the hospital by ambulance.

The dead child of the lizard was shown to the child in the plate

The incident is of Composite School (Primary and Upper Primary School) in Bibipur of Sadar area. A parent said that khichdi (tahri) was served to the children as part of the mid-day meal on Wednesday. A child studying in class 3 was eating Arpit Tahri, he saw a dead lizard child in the plate. He told the class teacher, then immediately got Tehri thrown out.

Minister of State Kapil Dev Aggarwal taking information about the health of the child in the district hospital.

Minister of State Kapil Dev Aggarwal taking information about the health of the child in the district hospital.

After some time many children complained of ill health. After this, 25 children were taken to the district hospital in a private vehicle. At the same time, some other children have been brought to the district hospital for checkup by government ambulance. On Wednesday, 90 children were present in the school.

Tehri was thrown on the complaint of finding a dead lizard in the child's plate.

Tehri was thrown on the complaint of finding a dead lizard in the child’s plate.

Committee formed to investigate

BSA Shubham Shukla said, “They have received a complaint of lizard being found in the tahri served to a child. A 3-member committee has been constituted to investigate the matter and directed to submit the investigation report within 2 days.” “BEO Jansath Pramod Sharma, BEO Sadar Dhyan Chand and Mid-Day Meal District Coordinator Vikas Tyagi have been included in the inquiry committee,” he said.

All the cooking utensils were cleaned after complaints of lizards coming out in the mid-day meal.

All the cooking utensils were cleaned after complaints of lizards coming out in the mid-day meal.

Minister of State reached the hospital to see the children
Sadar area MLA and Minister of State, Independent Charge Kapil Dev Agarwal reached the district hospital as soon as he got the information. He told that the health of the children has been taken from the doctors. All children are healthy. He told that the SDM has been directed for investigation.

BSA Shubham Shukla, police and parents of children present in Bibipur Composite School.

BSA Shubham Shukla, Police and parents of children present in Bibipur Composite School.

On coming to know about the matter, the parents of the children reached the school and started creating ruckus.

On coming to know about the matter, the parents of the children reached the school and started creating ruckus.

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