Life imprisonment to the wife if she did not cry on the death of her husband: Wash the clothes of the women of the village, tie rakhi, become a cock… the courts gave punishment to the culprits

  • Hindi News
  • Women
  • Wash The Clothes Of The Women Of The Village, Tie Rakhi, Become A Rooster… The Courts Have Given Punishment To The Culprits.

New Delhi2 hours ago

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A trial court in Bihar’s Madhubani district, while hearing a case of molestation and attempt to rape, has ordered the convict to wash the clothes of all the women of the village as punishment. The court said that the convict is being granted bail on the condition that “he will wash the clothes of all the women of the village for the next six months”.

Washing clothes will raise respect for women ​​​​​
According to the court, this will inculcate respect for women in the mind of the convict. The court did not do just this, but also asked the guilty to press the clothes after washing them and then go to every house and return the clothes to the women. The matter is in the headlines but this is not the first time, but many courts have been in the discussion due to their strange decisions.

The court ordered that after washing the clothes of the women of the accused village, they should also press (iron) them and return them door-to-door.

The court ordered that after washing the clothes of the women of the accused village, they should also press (iron) them and return them door-to-door.

Life imprisonment to wife for not crying over husband’s death
A lower court in Assam gave life imprisonment to a woman in a strange decision. Her crime was that she did not cry after tearing her book on her husband’s untimely death. Therefore, the local court found the woman guilty of killing her husband and sentenced him to life imprisonment. After this, the woman reached the High Court regarding the matter. But, surprisingly, the High Court upheld the decision of the local court and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

The trial court and the High Court, while awarding the sentence to the woman, also emphasized that the woman was with her husband for the last time on the night of her husband's murder.  She did not cry after the murder, this deepens her suspicions and proves that she killed her husband.

The trial court and the High Court, while awarding the sentence to the woman, also emphasized that the woman was with her husband for the last time on the night of her husband’s murder. She did not cry after the murder, this deepens her suspicions and proves that she killed her husband.

Punishment to bear the cost of education of poor children
The lower court granted bail to the accused of molesting and attempting to rape a woman in Madhubani on the condition that he would clean the drains in front of his house after his release. An accused selling illicit liquor asked a person to bear the education expenses of five poor children for three months.

Court ordered to serve cow
On June 2, the Allahabad High Court, while granting bail to an accused, put some strange conditions. The court asked the accused to pay one lakh in the registration of a gaushala in Bareilly or to serve the cows in the gaushala for 3 months.

There have been many such cases in the past as well.  Where the court has asked the accused to do things like planting trees or doing community service or donating money for charity. Many of these bail orders are given with a view to improve the accused.

There have been many such cases in the past as well. Where the court has asked the accused to do things like planting trees or doing community service or donating money for charity. Many of these bail orders are given with a view to improve the accused.

Got bail in the name of serving the people
In July 2020, in over 15 bail orders, a bench of the Madhya Pradesh High Court directed the accused persons to “provide physical and financial assistance” to government primary schools near their residences. Further, the High Court had, in several cases, asked the accused persons to volunteer for COVID-19 assistance.

Asked to donate Quran as punishment
In another instance in 2019, a Ranchi court had asked a woman arrested for allegedly posting communal posts to donate five copies of the Quran to various libraries as a condition of her bail. However, this condition was withdrawn after protests and requests from the Investigating Officer.

order to donate money for charitable purpose
In many cases, courts ask the accused to donate money, usually for a charitable purpose. In May 2020, in about 17 bail orders, a single judge of the Madhya Pradesh High Court ordered the accused persons to deposit money with the district collectors for “preparation of food and distribution to Dalit persons, including migrant labourers, by any government agency”. instructed.

Instructions to donate 35 thousand to PM-CARES Fund
The Jharkhand High Court, in April 2020, directed the accused persons to donate Rs 35,000 each to the Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations or PM-CARES Fund as a condition for bail. Also instructed them to install the Kovid Tracing Arogya Setu App. This is another common bail condition seen in many cases.

plant a tree and take care of it
Another common example of unusual bail orders, courts have asked the accused to plant trees. In April, the Madhya Pradesh High Court had set a condition of bail in an attempt to murder case that the accused would have to plant and take care of 10 saplings of fruit trees or neem or peepal trees.

In 2020, the Orissa High Court had also asked the accused for attempt to murder for planting 100 saplings.

In 2020, the Orissa High Court had also asked the accused for attempt to murder for planting 100 saplings.

tie rakhi for bail
The Madhya Pradesh High Court had granted bail to a man accused of harassing a woman on the condition that he would promise the women to tie rakhi and protect her. This was rejected by the Supreme Court, where it also laid down guidelines on how courts should deal with cases of sexual harassment.

The first condition for bail is that the woman who molested her, go home and tie Rakhi, gift her children.

The first condition for bail is that the woman who molested her, go home and tie Rakhi, gift her children.

stay away from social media
In some instances, courts have prohibited people booked for making objectionable statements against politicians from using social media as a condition of bail.

In 2020, the Madras High Court asked a person who posted a Facebook post against PM Narendra Modi not to use social media for a year.

In 2020, the Madras High Court asked a person who posted a Facebook post against PM Narendra Modi not to use social media for a year.

guilty before trial
Barring a few exceptions, the law assumes that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Many of these conditions imposed, such as performing community service or donating money, would amount to punishing a person for an offense for which he has not been convicted.

punishment for planting gooseberry
In Rajasthan’s Pratapgarh district, four accused were sentenced to plant 270 saplings for cutting 27 trees. The forest department official had filed the report. The court had sentenced all four to plant 270 gooseberry plants.

ASI got punishment for being a cock
In 2015, in the court of Jhajjar, Haryana, a police officer was sentenced to become a cock for showing pride in uniform.

ASI got the punishment for being a cock.

ASI got the punishment for being a cock.

punishment for measuring temperature
In Patna, Bihar, the builder did not allot the flat even after taking money from a customer. The matter reached the High Court. The court put a strange condition of granting bail and the builder has been sentenced for three months for helping people during the corona transition.

punishment for serving patients
The court in Begusarai asked the accused to serve the patients in the hospital for one month as a punishment. His crime was that he had beaten up and said casteist words.

The young man was sentenced to serve the patients for two years.  He was ordered to serve patients for three hours a day.  But the young man refused to do so.

The young man was sentenced to serve the patients for two years. He was ordered to serve the patients for three hours a day. But the young man refused to do so.

Now let’s talk about foreign…

Court sentenced the dog to death
Such cases often come to the fore in foreign countries. A court in the US state of Michigan held a dog named Jeb responsible for the death of another dog, Vlad, who lived in the neighborhood, but was later acquitted for not getting a DNA test.

The dog also got the death penalty.

The dog also got the death penalty.

Punishment for tweeting the guilty
A Spanish judge ordered an accused businessman to tweet an apology for a month in a defamation case. The time for tweeting was also decided by the judge himself.

march with donkeys
In 2003, two youths stole a statue of Jesus Christ from a church in the US city of Chicago. The court sentenced him to 45 days in jail for stealing the idol. Along with this, he was also sentenced to march with a donkey and he continued to march with a donkey for 45 days.

punishment for watching disney cartoons
Davis Berry, who lived in America, hunted hundreds of deer in his youth. The court sentenced Davis to one year in prison. Also ordered him to watch cartoons coming on TV.

Punishment for watching Disney cartoons.

Punishment for watching Disney cartoons.

what do lawyers say
Supreme Court lawyer Nipun Saxena says that only 6 types of punishments are mentioned under Section 53 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). These include death penalty, life imprisonment, imprisonment, rigorous imprisonment, attachment of property and fine. Apart from this, there is no provision for strange punishments. Only the High Court under section 482 and the Supreme Court in Article 142 has the power to give different punishments, as in the Sanjeev Nanda hit and run case, community service was also sentenced, but there were many other punishments also.

One theory is Restorable Justice. In this, an attempt is made to connect the guilty with the mainstream. For this, community service is punished. A certain amount of money has to be deposited in it. The trial court has no such power to impose such punishment. Apart from this, in the case of molestation, there is a punishment of up to 5 years. It is not justice to spare anyone by giving minor punishment in it.

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