‘Leave the Temple or else will Behead like Kanhaiya Lal’, Threatens Priest in Bharatpur

After the murder of Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur, Rajasthan on June 28, 2022, in Bharatpur too, a temple priest was sent a letter threatening to be beheaded within 10 days.

The priest of Hanuman ji temple located inside the Maharani Shri Jaya (MSJ) college campus has received death threats.

The hand-written letter was pasted in the temple premises. In the threatening letter written to the priest of the temple, it is written that there is 10 days time for you, otherwise, your death is certain, as happened to Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur.

Huge anger among the Hindutva organizations

After this threatening letter, the police reached the spot and started the investigation of the case.

It is written in the threatening letter- ‘Pandit either you leave the temple or else you will behead, your family members will not get your head. You are sure to die.’

It was further written in the letter, ‘Will not kill you in the night or in the morning, will kill you during the day in the temple or on the way.

If you want to live, leave the temple. You have 10 days, otherwise, your death is certain.

Just like what happened to Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur, it will happen to you. We don’t know your name but have seen your face…. Sender Kaman Pahari.’