Krishna Janmabhoomi Survey: After Ayodhya and Kashi, now it is the turn of Mathura

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  • Mathura Masjid Krishna Janmabhoomi Land Dispute; Allahabad High Court Gyanvapi Survey

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After Ayodhya and Kashi, now Mathura’s turn is coming. The Allahabad High Court has asked to survey the Krishna Janmabhoomi and submit the report for four months. Like the Gyanvapi of this survey, videography will also be done. Since Krishna’s birthplace is mythical, it is believed that the remains and signs of the temple are to be found here like Gyanvapi.

There are many names of Mathura in Puranic literature such as Shurasen Nagari, Madhupuri, Madhunagari, Madhura, Mathura etc. The place where Krishna was born was a prison under the reign of Kansa where Vasudeva and Devaki were imprisoned by Kansa.

An inscription from the time of Mahakshatrapa Saudas shows that a man named Vasu built the first temple here at the place of Krishna’s birth. After a long time, a second temple was built here during the period of Vikramaditya. This temple was demolished by Mahmud Ghazni in 1017-18 AD.

Later in 1150 AD, under the rule of Maharaja Vijay Pal Dev, a person named Jajj again built a huge temple here. It was destroyed by Sikandar Lodi in the early 16th century.

King Vir Singh Judev Bundela of Orchha again built a grand temple on this ruined place. It is said that it was so high that it was visible from Agra. But in 1669 AD, it was also demolished by the Muslim rulers and made a grand Idgah at about half the place of birth land with some of this building material.

A temple was again built behind this Idgah with the inspiration of Mahamana Manmohan Malviya, but now it has become a disputed area because half of the Janmabhoomi has Idgah and half is a temple.

This is the history of Mathura and Janmabhoomi, which is available. There are also many court cases that have lasted, stayed and got here and there. There are also many political controversies, which came to the fore the most when the Ayodhya and Babri Masjid dispute caught fire.

The petition on which the Allahabad High Court ordered the survey on Monday was also pending in the Mathura District Court for almost a year. This order came when the matter reached the High Court. Like in Gyanvapi, this survey will be conducted with one commissioner, two assistant commissioners and people of plaintiff and respondent.

Just as many unseen, unheard facts were revealed in Gyanvapi, similarly many puzzles are expected to be solved here too. The slogan given by the Bharatiya Janata Party during the Ayodhya movement was “Abhi toh this tableau hai, Mathura – Kashi baaki hai”. Ayodhya issue has been resolved.

Many facts of Gyanvapi located inside Vishwanath temple in Kashi have also come to the fore. Now it is the turn of Mathura or Krishna Janmabhoomi. Certainly this matter is related to the sentiments of the people, so it will definitely bring political benefits.

However, there is also a side which says that when Hindus and Muslims have been worshiping and worshiping here for years, then what is the objection? Let it be like this. But since the matter is emotional, let’s just stop on this argument, it is not going to happen. Then there are many temples ahead of which other shrines are built, the matter can go even there. Like it has reached Kashi from Ayodhya and now Mathura.

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