Know Manik’s London home address? I know Abhijit Ganguly criticized CBI

Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay once again criticized the CBI for the initial recruitment corruption investigation. During the hearing of the case on Wednesday, the judge asked the CBI, do you know the address of Manik Bhattacharya’s house in London? CBI is not investigating the court?

CBI lawyer told the court that Manik Bhattacharya has 2 valid passports. Then the judge asked how it is possible? The returning judge said, it is a shame that he has not yet resigned from the post of MLA. Didi seems unable to cope. How to deal with so many crooks around? The CBI informed the court that the investigation has progressed a lot in the last 2 weeks. Some SMS are recovered. Also got some clues from Manik Bhattacharya.

After this, the judge reprimanded the CBI and said, ‘How many times has Manik Bhattacharya gone to London? Know his home address in London? i know Will you listen? Who knows the house next to his house in London? i know Adalat is not investigating the CBI? Shit, what’s going on.’

On this day, the CBI applied to the court to order the removal of investigating officer Somnath Biswas after submitting the report of the initial recruitment case. Justice Gangopadhyay made it clear that there will be no change in the order.