Kejriwal’s ex-minister questioned today: Delhi Police reached home with summons; He took oath to not believe in Hindu gods and goddesses.

New Delhi5 hours ago

Former Delhi government minister Rajendra Pal Gautam has been summoned by the police for questioning. He has been asked to appear today at 2 pm. He is accused of administering the oath of disobeying Hindu deities at a Buddhist convention in Delhi on the day of Vijayadashami. BJP MP Manoj Tiwari had demanded the dismissal of the minister by sharing the video.

On Sunday itself, Gautam had resigned from the post of minister. Gautam had refused to receive any notice on Monday. He was summoned by the police today. Gautam had said on Monday, “He has not received any notice. The police came to interrogate me, I gave the requested information.

Former minister of Kejriwal government Rajendra Pal Singh Gautam showing the summons received from the police.

Said after resigning – I will not let my leader suffer
Rajendra Pal Gautam is a Dalit leader of Aam Aadmi Party. He is an MLA from Seemapuri seat of Delhi. In the Kejriwal government, he had the responsibility of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Scheduled Castes / Tribes, Registrar of Co-operative Societies. Responding to his resignation, he said on Sunday – I will continue to fight against the BJP. They were targeting Kejriwal in my name. I will not let my leader come under fire.

Rajendra Pal had attended a Buddhist initiation program in Delhi on the day of Vijayadashami.

Rajendra Pal had attended a Buddhist initiation program in Delhi on the day of Vijayadashami.

allegation of religious conversion
This initiation program was done by Jai Bhim Mission, in which more than 10 thousand people came. BJP MP Manoj Tiwari had alleged that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) had converted poor Hindus by giving them free goods. AAP has become a religious conversion agency.

Rajendra Pal had said – what problem does anyone have with my faith?
After the video went viral, Minister Rajendra Gautam had said, ‘BJP is a traitor. If I believe in Buddhism, what is wrong with it? If BJP has to complain, it should do so. The Constitution of India gives us the freedom to follow any religion. BJP’s ground is slipping and it is afraid of Aam Aadmi Party.

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