‘Kashmir Fights Back’: Army’s New Video Shows How Terror Targets All Faiths

New Delhi: In the midst of a surge in terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir, the Army has released a video emphasising how every segment of society has borne the scars of terrorism and assuring civilians that the Army is firmly behind them in their battle for stability in the Valley.

The film, titled “Kashmir Fights Back” and posted by the Chinar Corps of the Indian Army, seeks to depict the hardships of citizens of all faiths, as well as the efforts made by security personnel to combat terrorism and restore normalcy in the valley.

“The decades of terrorism have left us with orphans, widows, wailing mothers and helpless fathers,” the text reads.

The video depicts the migration of Kashmiri Pandits, rescue efforts, and stone-pelting episodes, as well as how terrorists have misled the valley’s young and instilled hostility amongst different populations throughout the years. It emphasises the significance of social peace.

“They tried to divide our society. They tried to misguide our youth. They tried to turn our peer vaer (land of saints) into a battleground,” the text further reads.

The video also honors Kashmiris slain by terrorists, including writer Shujaat Bukhari, social activist Arjumand Majeed, Makhan Lal Bindroo, sarpanch Ajay Pandita, Supinder Kaur, Wasim Bari, Lt Umer Fayaz, Ayub Pandita, and Pervez Ahmed Dar.

It then depicts security forces comforting citizens and children before concluding with a message about working together to combat terrorism and radicalization.