Kalpana Soren: Second ‘Accidental’ CM from the Region, Rabri Devi 2.0 or ‘Educated’ Woman Waiting in the Wings? – News18

JMM executive president Hemant Soren and his wife Kalpana Soren after casting their vote in the Jharkhand assembly elections in December 2019. (Image: PTI/File)

Kalpana Soren is seen as an educated, sophisticated and soft-spoken individual, who maintains a low profile and appears in public functions alone and, occasionally, with Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren

‘Maa Sita’ – this is how leaders and workers of the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha address Kalpana Soren, chief minister Hemant Soren’s wife. With an arrest looming large, he has reportedly nominated her as the next chief minister. There is, however, no official confirmation from the party on Soren’s choice even as seven officers of the Enforcement Directorate are presently questioning him in connection with a land scam.

‘Rabri Devi 2.0’ – this is another term being used for 48-year-old Kalpana in political and media circles. A well-known personality in Jharkhand despite not being part of active politics, she has made a mark in the sociocultural sphere of the state and across tribal societies in the region.

‘Accidental chief minister’ – she is also being seen as the second such chief minister of the region, after Bihar from where her state was carved out. Following Rabri Devi’s ascension as Bihar CM and with Hemant Soren following Lalu Prasad Yadav’s footsteps in this matter, it may become a trend as many senior politicians holding crucial positions are facing investigations.

But, all of this poses a question – which of these three identities does Kalpana Soren embody?

Non-political background

Unlike her sister-in-law Sita Soren, who is an MLA from Jama, Kalpana never took part in politics. Instead, she limited her activities to education, organic farming and real estate. A native of Mayurbhanj, her proximity to President Droupadi Murmu is also known in the state. The district in Odisha is also the home district of the president.

Murmu served as the governor of Jharkhand before being elevated to the position of the President of India. Kalpana is seen as an educated, sophisticated and soft-spoken individual, who maintains a low profile and appears in public functions alone and, occasionally, with the chief minister. She studied in Ranchi and holds degrees in engineering and MBA.

Even though there has been no opposition or objection to Hemant’s proposal of nominating his wife, which is part of his party’s effort to avoid a constitutional crisis, Sita Soren has issued a statement calling Kalpana a “non-political person” while also saying her opinion was not sought before taking this decision.

Kalpana Soren not the same as Rabri Devi

Even as comparisons and similarities are being drawn between the two, Kalpana is not exactly the same as Rabri Devi. The former Bihar CM was a homemaker, mother of nine and had no interest in politics when she was dragged out of the kitchen and handed the responsibility of a state, which is primarily feudal in nature and saw the female politician playing a limited role.

Rabri Devi, however, grew fast in her position, appeared composed and calm during her media addresses, and even during her confrontation with the opposition in the assembly. Even though she failed to win seats later, she will be remembered as the first “accidental” woman chief minister of India. She was never seen or heard attacking her rival party members using foul language or even criticising them for that matter.

Kalpana is a mother of two sons and married for almost 18 years, and has a completely different personality. Unlike Rabri Devi, she is educated, is known to have an opinion but has always stayed away from politics. She has been heard addressing her husband as ‘Sir’ in public functions, and keeps away from political discussions.