Joshimath-like situation in Mandi, Himachal: land sinking in 3 villages due to cutting of mountains for Manali highway, cracks in houses

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  • Mandi News: Joshimath Like Situation Started Due To Mountains Cutting For Fourlane, Cracks In Houses, Land Sinking

Market4 hours ago

In the villages coming under Thalout, people found cracks in their houses.

In Himachal’s Mandi district too, a situation similar to Joshimath has begun to emerge. In Mandi district too, there is a threat to the land and houses owned by the people of 3 villages. Due to indiscriminate cutting for four-lane in Thalout panchayat of Mandi’s Aut tehsil, the geological conditions are getting worse.

For the past few days, cracks have appeared in people’s houses. On the other hand, due to land subsidence and cracks in the houses, an atmosphere of panic has been created among the local residents of Tahula area of ​​Tehsil Aut. People say that perhaps this danger would not have been so much, if the people of the Fourlane project had not done excessive cutting of the hill.

Cracks in people’s houses in villages

one to one and a half feet crack
In the affected villages, the situation arising out of cracks in the ancestral and new houses of the people and subsidence of their land is becoming frightening. People say that there are cracks in 60 to 80 bighas of land. Somewhere there is a crack in the ground and somewhere the houses are falling into disrepair. These cracks are lying on the lines of C-shape. There are 400 people living in these affected villages and everyone is horrified to see cracks in 10 houses.

The cracks coming in the ground have become more than one to one and a half feet deep. Although the officials of the administration have talked to the people many times about this, but people complain that all the problems have happened due to NHAI’s forelane road construction. There have been more cracks in the houses since last 2 days.

State Zoologist team visited
On the other hand, Shobha Ram Bhardwaj, Panchayat Samiti member and treasurer of MNREGA Sarva Kamgar, said that after visiting the affected areas for two days, he found that due to the arbitrariness being used in the construction work of the forelane under NHAI, the situation of crisis. is being born People’s houses have developed cracks and their proprietary land is sinking.

ADM Mandi Ashwani Kumar told that administration has visited the affected areas. NHAI, Public Works Department officials including Tehsildar and Fourlane Company officials were also present on the occasion. The retaining wall has been made, due to which the danger has now been averted. At the same time, the State Zoologist team has also visited the area and given its report to the government.

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