jjp: Will do away with BJP-JJP government: Bhupinder Singh Hooda | Chandigarh News – Times of India

KURUKSHETRA : The supporters of Indian National Congress’ Haryana unit attended its fourth ‘Vipaksh Aapke Samaksh’ (Opposition at your door) event in Kurukshetra on Sunday, where they vowed to uproot the BJP-JJP coalition government in Haryana.
Haryana Leader of Opposition Bhupinder Singh Hooda said he had not seen a more corrupt government in history. A large number of people attended the event, organised by former minister Ashok AroraHarmohinder Singh Chatha, MLA Bishan Lal Saini, MLA Mewa Singh, and conducted by former minister and MLA Geeta Bhukkal. More than two dozen INC MLAs, about 50 former ministers, former MLAs, former MPs and senior leaders were also present in the program.
Speaking on this occasion, Hooda said, “We have come to pledge to continue to fight and not rest till the antipeople BJP-JJP government is voted out. This government was formed along the GT Road (National Highway 44) belt and we will start uprooting it from here. ” Hooda said BJP-JJP have looted the state for their selfish reasons. “Every section of Haryana, be it farmers, labourers, poor, Dalits, traders, or government employees, are in miserable condition” he said.
“Today, Haryana is at number one in unemployment, inflation, and corruption in the country. Jobs in HPSC, HSSC are being sold like it is done in a grocery store. There is no recruitment in the Army for 4 years. Inflation has reached a point where it has become difficult for a common housewife to run a house. All of us have to come together to fight to save the country,” Hooda added.