Jharkhand: Pakistani philanthropist Malala Yousafzai’s photo posted in Jharkhand’s government school, had to be removed after protests


A picture of Pakistani social activist Malala Yousafzai was put up in a government school in Jharkhand, which was removed after protests by the locals. The school administration says that the picture of the Pakistani Nobel laureate was put up to inspire the girl students. The matter is of Ramgarh district of Jharkhand.

this is the whole matter

According to the police, Malala’s photo was put up at the Coal Belt Kuju Stich Government School in Mandu block of the district. After this, the village headman Jai Kumar Ojha along with the panchayat representatives and the local people protested. School headmaster Ravindra Prasad told that a teacher of our school had sought permission to put a picture of the girl students to motivate them. After this, he had given permission to put a picture of a Pakistani female social worker. But when the Panchayat and the local people opposed it, we removed Malala’s picture.

That’s why protested

Kuju Paschim Panchayat Mukhiya (Pradhan) Jai Kumar Ojha told that the whole world knows that Pakistan works to spread terror against India. India has paid a heavy price on the borders because of Pakistan. So we don’t need to learn peace from Pakistanis. So, along with the local people, we staged a protest.