Jairam congratulated the Congress for the victory: said- I respect the mandate, hope that the promises will be fulfilled, will analyze the reasons for the defeat

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  • Himachal Assembly Elections 2022: Jairam Congratulated Congress For The Victory And Asked The Party To Fulfill Its Promises

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Jairam Thakur submitting his resignation to the Governor.

Chief Minister Jairam Thakur has congratulated the party on the mandate given to the Congress in the state assembly elections. The Chief Minister said that he respects the public opinion received in the elections. Expressing his gratitude to the people of the state, he said that he gave them an opportunity to serve for the whole 5 years. Said that he tried to do better work for the development of the state and to serve the people. Congratulating the people, he said that they have given their positive cooperation from the elections till the counting of votes. No such incident happened anywhere.

Expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Talking to the media, Chief Minister Jairam Thakur also thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said that with his cooperation, development has taken place in every field in Himachal Pradesh. He also thanked BJP National President JP Nadda and said that the election campaign progressed under his guidance. The Chief Minister also expressed gratitude to all the central leadership involved in the assembly election campaign.

Hope Congress will fulfill the promises

Chief Minister Jairam Thakur expressed hope that the Congress would fulfill the promises made to the people. His positive cooperation will always be available for the progress of Himachal Pradesh. Said that as far as protecting the interests of the people is concerned, he will continue to raise it inside and outside the assembly.

Congress ahead in the number of seats, but the difference of votes is just 1%

Chief Minister Jairam Thakur said that the Congress should be ahead in the number of seats in the state assembly elections, but the difference of votes was only 1%.

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