It’s shameful!..The dead body of the daughter had to be carried for 5 km: Wrapped in a blanket in Chhatarpur, the dead body was brought secretly in the bus … then walked on foot

Chhatarpur6 minutes ago

A shocking case has come to the fore in Chhatarpur. Here the death of a 4-year-old girl got stuck in the vortex of poverty. When the district hospital management refused to give the dead body, the grandparents were compelled to wrap the body of that innocent in a blanket and take it secretly by bus to Buxwaha, but to go to Pauri village, 5 kilometers away from there, someone also didn’t help. Forced father, uncle and grandfather had to take the dead body on foot to the village 5 km away by changing shoulders. Some people made a video of it. The matter has heated up after the video surfaced.

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After the death of innocent Radha (4) in Damoh Hospital 3 days ago, her dead body also had to be stung from rate to rate. The district hospital management refused to give the dead body. The family members who came to the Buxwaha Nagar Panchayat to plead were not heard. When a video surfaced, the SDM showed humanity and sent a dead body, but by then the relatives had reached near the village with the dead body of the innocent. After all, the innocent and his family members were left in the dead body at a distance of a few steps to their house.

The grandparents came to Chhatarpur with the granddaughter’s body wrapped in a blanket in the bus.

this is the whole event
Laxman, father of 4-year-old innocent Radha, had reached the place of some quacks in Buxwaha with his sick innocent. After first aid, he wrote a letter in the name of a private doctor of Damoh and sent it to the family members in Damoh. The family reached that private doctor’s place, but he refused to treat him. After this the family took the innocent to the district hospital. After examination, the doctor declared him brought dead. Due to the suspicious death, the doctor said that the innocent will have a PM. Frightened relatives came out of the hospital with the innocent. They asked for the dead body, which was not found. The grandparents reached the Manas Bhawan complex in front of the hospital with the dead body of the innocent.

In the scorching afternoon, the grandfather took the dead granddaughter to the village by hiding it in a blanket.

In the scorching afternoon, the grandfather took the dead granddaughter to the village by hiding it in a blanket.

Grandmother told that the granddaughter has died. The doctor wants to do PM, so she came out. After some time the father of the innocent also came. He didn’t have money. At the behest of the people, he wrapped the dead body of the innocent in a blanket. They reached Buxwaha after boarding the bus, but they did not get help even there. The family members had to go to the village on foot with the body of the innocent by changing their shoulders.

The girl's uncle and grandfather alternately carrying the dead body on their shoulders and carrying them to the village.

The girl’s uncle and grandfather alternately carrying the dead body on their shoulders and carrying them to the village.

At the same time, SDM Rahul Siladiya says that the matter has come to his notice. Strict instructions will be given to the responsible officers so that such incidents do not recur in future. Also, action will be taken against the guilty employees in the case.

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