Israel Prison Service catch sex offender before moments before re-offend

The Israel Prison Service (IPS) arrested a supervised sex offender moments before he committed sexual offenses against a mother and daughter, according to an IPS spokesperson.

Members of IPS’s “Tzur” unit, whose purpose is to “locate, track and thwart the intentions of supervisees who commit repeated sexual offenses.”

As part of the “Tzur” unit’s ongoing operational covert activity, supervisory officers monitored a sex offender who is a resident of the Center for the Prevention of Recidivism.

The supervisee was observed and recorded at the entrance to the street where he lives, trying to commit an indecent act in public in front of a mother and her daughter.

Mother and daughter enjoy cotton candy at Jewish holiday festivities. (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

Officers prevented the offense

The supervision officers acted to prevent the offender from committing the sexual offense.

Following the violation of his release order, the supervisee was detained by the supervision officers, and with the assistance of the Israel Police he was arrested and an investigation was opened in his case.

“The [Tzur] unit will continue to carry out overt and covert actions to prevent the commission of sexual offenses, for the sake of maintaining public peace,” said an IPS spokesperson.