Israel-Palestine Conflict Decoded

<p>In the midst of escalating tensions, Israel and Gaza find themselves in a deadly battle with no signs of resolution. Watch this video till the end to know casualties, and the historical context of this long-standing conflict.</p>
<p>First, let’s address the current situation. Multiple Israeli media outlets are reporting a rising casualty count from Hamas’ incursion into Israel, with estimates reaching 600. Meanwhile, Palestinian officials report over 300 people killed in Gaza. The exact numbers on the Israeli side remain unconfirmed, but it’s evident that both sides are enduring significant losses.</p>
<p>In response to a deadly Hamas assault in southern Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office declared the country at war. This decision formally authorizes "significant military steps" and marks a shift in the ongoing hostilities.</p>
<p>Israel’s military is facing scrutiny over its inability to prevent the attack. While they claim to have regained control of most infiltration points, the conflict rages on. Israel has deployed tens of thousands of soldiers in the region surrounding Gaza and plans to evacuate all Israelis living near the territory’s border. This is shaping up to be a prolonged and intense battle.</p>
<p>Hamas, on the other hand, sees its actions as "in defense of their people." They continue launching rocket strikes and conducting operations behind enemy lines.</p>
<p>To understand the gravity of this conflict, we need to understand its historical roots.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Hamas, officially the Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-Islāmiyyah, emerged in 1987 with the goal of establishing an independent Islamic state in historical Palestine. It has been a key player in Palestinian politics and currently governs the Gaza Strip.</p>
<p>The Israel-Palestine conflict spans decades, marked by failed peace processes and armed resistance. Hamas, opposed to ceding any part of Palestine, has engaged in violence, including suicide bombings and rocket attacks. In 2007, they took control of Gaza after a brief civil war with Fatah forces.</p>
<p>Recent escalations include the 2021 conflict triggered by clashes in the Al Aqsa compound, resulting in an 11-day battle with casualties on both sides. In August of the same year, violence erupted after Israeli airstrikes hit an Islamic Jihad commander.</p>
<p>Now, Saturday’s attack by Hamas, joined by Islamic Jihad fighters, stands as one of the most serious escalations in this enduring conflict.</p>
<p>As casualties rise and hostilities intensify, the Israel-Gaza conflict remains a deeply entrenched and complex issue. Follow ABP Live for more updates on the Israel-Gaza situation and more updates from across the globe.</p>