Inflation will make you cry: Petrol-diesel becomes more expensive by more than Rs 9 in 15 days, freight is likely to increase by 16%, budget will deteriorate

  • Hindi News
  • Business
  • Petrol Diesel Price Hike Vs Transport Industry | Record High Diesel Prices Will Affect Freight Costs

new Delhi4 hours ago

From the transporters and traders to the common people, everyone has been affected by the continuous increase in the price of petrol and diesel. The rate at which fuel prices are rising has a direct impact on the market. Petrol and diesel have become expensive by 9 rupees 16 paise in the last 15 days. Market experts and traders say that this will have a direct impact on freight and it can increase by up to 16%.

Diesel again set century in MP: Crosses Rs 100 in 36 districts, most expensive in Balaghat; petrol close to 120

Jasveer Singh, president of Madhya Pradesh Truck Transport Association Bhopal, says that due to increase in the price of petrol, diesel, the freight will increase by 16%. If this happens, it will also put the burden of inflation on the common man.

Highest consumption of diesel in transport and agriculture sector
The largest consumption of diesel in India is in the transport and agriculture sector. These two sectors are most affected when the price rises. Due to the increase in the price of diesel, it has become expensive to bring it from agriculture to the market. This can spoil the budget of both the common man and the farmer.

direct impact on common man
According to experts, if transport becomes costlier by 16%, then the price of the commodity will also increase at least according to the cost of transport. For example, suppose it used to cost Rs 100 earlier to bring 1 quintal of wheat to the market, but due to the cost of transport, it will become Rs 116. This increased 16 rupees will be recovered from the common man only. This will increase the price of wheat to the people by 1.5%. A similar effect will be seen on other goods as well.

Passenger vehicle fares may also increase due to increase in oil prices
Retired Transport Commissioner Shailendra Srivastava says that the international market has been affected due to the global impact. Due to this, the prices of petrol and diesel are increasing. With the increase in the price of petrol, diesel, the rates of luggage will increase in the case of motor vehicles. The fare can also increase in passenger trains, but for this the permission of the government is necessary.

Why does the government not reduce the prices of petrol and diesel?
The cost of 1 liter of petrol in Delhi is Rs 103.81. In this, Central Government excise duty of Rs 27.90 and State Government VAT of Rs 17 is levied. Similarly, the price of diesel is Rs 95.07 per liter in which Rs 21.80 goes to the Center and Rs 14 to the state government. In other parts of the country also, the tax on petrol and diesel ranges from 50-60%. The government is filling its treasury by taxing petrol and diesel.

Central government earned 8 lakh crores from petrol and diesel in 3 years
While on the one hand the income of the common man has decreased due to the corona epidemic, on the other hand the central government has earned a lot by taxing petrol and diesel. While the per capita annual income has come down from Rs 1.26 lakh to Rs 99,155 per annum in the last three years, the government’s income from excise duty has increased from Rs 2,10,282 crore to Rs 3,71,908 crore. That is, in the last 3 years, the government has earned more than 8 lakh crores by imposing tax (excise duty) on petrol and diesel.

Only 2.4% of the budget of the month is spent in buying petrol and diesel directly
According to the 2011 census, 4.5% of the households in India have a car and 21% of the households have a motorcycle. According to the Consumption Expenditure Survey (2011-12), each person spends only 2.4% of his monthly budget on buying petrol and diesel. That’s why some people claim that the increase in the prices of petrol and diesel has no direct effect on the household budget of the common man.

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