India said in UN- Terrorism Global Challenge: The world has to unite to fight it, zero tolerance approach is necessary

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In the United Nations Security Council ie UNSC, India once again described terrorism as the biggest threat to the world. India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ruchira Kamboj said- Terrorism can be ended with zero tolerance approach.

Discussing the issue of Iraq, he said – In Iraq, the government and the people are fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group. Terrorism is global challenge. The threat of terrorism is increasing very fast and no part of the world has remained untouched by it. To stop this, we have to adopt zero tolerance approach.

Ruchira Kamboj said that the world has to take united action against terrorism.

Ruchira Kamboj said that the world has to take united action against terrorism.

mentioned 26/11
Ruchira Kamboj referred to the terrorist attack in Mumbai on 26 November 2008. He said- The fight against terror can be strengthened only when those responsible are punished. Terrorism in one part of the world is a threat to the peace and security of the entire world and therefore our response to this international challenge must be integrated, coordinated and most importantly effective.

Double standards cannot be adopted regarding terrorism
Even in the UNSC meeting held in August, Ruchira Kamboj had described terror as the biggest threat. He had said – double standards cannot be adopted regarding terrorism. If we do not consider terrorism only as terrorism, do not stop looking at it separately, then the danger will increase. It would be dangerous to look at this problem according to your convenience.

India is presiding over UNSC

India is presiding over the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in the month of December. That is, this whole month Ruchira Kambod will be the President of UNSC. With this, India’s two-year term as a non-permanent member will end at the end of the month. During this, there will be discussions on the issue of terrorism and other global challenges.

India is not a permanent member of UNSC
India has been trying to become a permanent member of the Security Council for a long time, but the biggest obstacle in India’s path is China. Apart from China, France, America, Russia and Britain have agreed to make India a permanent member of the Security Council, but China has been opposing India’s permanent membership on different pretexts.

Apart from this, demands for change in the structure of UNSC have also been raised many times. It is argued that the representation of developing countries in the UNSC is less, but the permanent members do not want any change in this and veto power should be given to any other country. Apart from India, Japan, Germany and Brazil are also trying to become permanent members of the Security Council.

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