Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday (August 15) interacted with children sitting at the audience circle on the premises of the Red Fort, moments after completing his significant speech, from the ramparts of the Red Fort.
The Prime Minister who has regularly followed to meet the school children on the occasion of the Independence Day, went to greet students and spoke a few words with some of them. As PM arrived to them for the interaction, children were seen cheering. They raised ‘Vande Mataram’ slogans in the presence of the PM.
Meanwhile, it is pertinent to note that, in his Independence Day address to the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasised the country’s deep gratitude to the freedom fighters, stating that the nation remains indebted to their sacrifices. He highlighted that Independence Day is a moment to honour and remember the bravery and dedication of those who fought for the country’s freedom. Modi called on the citizens to reflect on the sacrifices made and to carry forward the legacy of the freedom struggle in building a stronger and developed India.
He further also expressed concern over the increasing impact of natural disasters in recent years. PM highlighted the growing worry among the populace due to the frequent occurrence of such calamities.