Imam who called Mohan Bhagwat the father of the nation received threats: Delhi Police filed a complaint; Chief Imam said – I stand by my statement

New Delhi10 hours ago

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Dr. Umar Ahmed Ilyasi, the head of the All India Imam Organization, who described Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat as ‘Father of the Nation’ and ‘Rashtra Rishi’, is now receiving death threats over the phone. Ilyasi says that he has also received threatening calls from abroad. He told that by calling him from England, a person first expressed his displeasure, then used abusive words and finally threatened.

The Chief Imam said, ‘I have given a complaint to the Delhi Police, as well as informed the government and agencies about it.’ The Chief Imam already has security.

Chief Imam sticks to his words
Despite the constant threats received in the phone, the Chief Imam said, ‘I stand by my words. I had called Mohan Bhagwat the father of the nation and the sage of the nation. I will not take back these words, whatever the outcome.’

Regarding the ban on PFI, he said that the government had enough evidence, so action has been taken.

Despite repeated threats over the phone, the Chief Imam said he stood by his words.

Despite repeated threats over the phone, the Chief Imam said he stood by his words.

Bhagwat and Imam met in the mosque
On September 22, Mohan Bhagwat stayed with Chief Imam Dr. Umar Ahmed Ilyasi for about an hour in a closed room of a mosque on Kasturba Gandhi Marg in Delhi. This was the RSS chief’s first meeting with the head of a Muslim religious organization at the mosque. During this, Dr. Ilyasi had said that our DNA is the same, only the way of worship is different.

The RSS chief had visited Madrasa Tajveedul Quran in North Delhi on his invitation. There he also met children. Immediately after the meeting, Bhaskar spoke to the Chief Imam and asked about the meeting with the RSS Chief. In response to a question, he described Mohan Bhagwat as the father of the nation and the sage of the nation. He said that they had come on his invitation for a family function. He was accompanied by Sah Sarkaryavah Dr. Krishna Gopal, senior campaigners Indresh and Ramlal.

RSS has recently increased contact with Muslims.  During this, Mohan Bhagwat has met with the leaders of the community several times.

RSS has recently increased contact with Muslims. During this, Mohan Bhagwat has met with the leaders of the community several times.

Who is Ahmed Ilyasi?
About 5 lakh Imams across the country are associated with the All India Imam Organization. The organization was established in 1976. The organization was created by Hazrat Maulana Umar Ahmed Ilyasi. At present, the Chief Imam of the organization is Hazrat Maulana Umar Ahmed Ilyasi.

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