IIT Madras Student Sexually Assault on Campus, Students Want Curbs on Labourers’ Entry

Students of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras have requested the management not to allow labourers and workers into student zones including hostels and campuses at night. The demand came after a worker at a juice shop on the IIT Madras campus, Chandan Kumar (20), was arrested by the police for attacking a girl student on the campus of the premier institute.

A student at IIT-Madras lodged an e-mail complaint with the authorities of the institute on July 26 stating that her friend was subjected to assault on the campus on July 24 and that the victim was not interested in lodging a police complaint.

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The student said that the victim was cycling on her way back to the hostel when a man grabbed her inside the campus and she fell down. The man tried to sexually assault her but she fought back and escaped to the hostel with a broken cycle.

The complainant said, “It was sheer luck that my friend managed to escape the attack, which could have ended in a much worse situation. She returned to the hostel, shaken and bleeding. It was horrifying to hear about the incident and the rest of the students now feel insecure.”

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The IIT-M management had conducted an identity parade of around 300 people including labourers. During the parade on Tuesday, the student identified the culprit, and immediately the IIT- Madras authorities informed the police.

The police took Chandan Kumar from Bihar into custody and arrested him under Section 354 of the IPC (Assault or criminal force on woman with the intent to outrage her modesty) and Section 4 of the TN Women Harassment Act (whoever commits harassment of women in the premises of an educational institution).

The IIT-M will hold a meeting of the students and faculty to decide on increasing the security within the campus for girl students and to increase the security personnel on duty on the campus.

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