IIT Bombay Students Threaten to Go on Hunger Strike if Fee Hike is Not Roll Backed

Protesting the fee hike, scores of students of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IIT-B) have decided to go on an indefinite hunger strike starting August 6. Students have demanded of a roll back on the proposed fee hike. Protesting the proposed hike many have also taken to social media.

The administration’s decision to increase fees by about 35 percent, which students have labelled arbitrary, has allegedly infuriated postgraduate students at the institute. This agitation started in early July, when the IIT-B administration first proposed a fee hike of nearly 35 per cent for all their postgraduate programs.

Students have demand an immediate revocation of the recent fee hike. They have also demand revocation of resolution passed by the Board for governors that recommends a 5 pee cent annual fee hike, based on which this particular fee hike was implemented, said a statement released by protesting students, as reported by media outlets. Students have also demanded for inclusion of student representatives in the fee hike committee.

Meanwhile several students have also taken to Twitter raising the issue,

Earlier this week, in an open house discussion between the college administration and students, the former stated that roll back of fees is not possible. This prompted students to intensify their protests.

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