IIM Kashipur Adopts Digital Empowerment, Interdisciplinary Learning In Line With NEP 2020 Goals

IIM Kashipur is dedicated to Digital Empowerment and Capacity Building through the National Education Policy for working professionals. NEP 2020 envisages the following goals for higher education – (a) develop thoughtful individuals with one or more areas of specialization – namely sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, and languages, as well as professional, technical, and vocational subjects, (b) help individuals achieve personal accomplishment and prepare them for productive contributions to society and (c) enable achievement of economic independence.

A branch of higher education, namely, technical education, covers several specializations such as life and health sciences, engineering, and management. NEP (2020) expects high demand for skilled professionals in these sectors. Further, there is a need for an interdisciplinary approach to skilling individuals and a closer collaboration between academia and industry. NEP (2020) suggests focusing on emerging areas like Artificial Intelligence (AI), 3-D machining, big data analysis, machine learning, genomic studies, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and neuroscience. These areas are critical to developing better health, environment, and sustainable solutions.

IIM Kashipur has been aligning its programs toward achieving the goals of higher education formulated in NEP 2020. A key obstacle in realizing the aspirations of working people is access to quality education.

Prof. K. Venkataraghavan, Associate Professor (IT & Systems) and Associate Dean (Admin) said, “IIM Kashipur recognises the challenges faced by working professionals and has embraced digital empowerment to deliver quality content to working people worldwide. Digital empowerment involves the use of digital technologies in the capacity building of individuals. This aligns with the thrust in NEP for Sustainable Development Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by India in 2015 – which seeks to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

IIM Kashipur employs synchronous learning technologies to address the challenges of time and distance in delivering educational content to aspiring working professionals. The team has successfully designed and executed various capacity-building programs in online and hybrid formats, focusing on areas outlined in NEP 2020. These programs encompass diverse subjects such as machine learning, big data analytics, supply chain management, financial analytics, strategy and entrepreneurship, project management, and general management. These programs come in multiple formats, spanning from 60-hour courses to year-long programs, catering to the diverse requirements of working professionals. This approach offers continuous opportunities for upskilling and reskilling, ensuring lifelong learning.

Prof. Mayank Sharma, Associate Professor (IT & Systems) at IIM Kashipur said, “On the higher education degree programs, we have leveraged digital technologies to deliver Executive MBA programs for working professionals in a hybrid mode. This allows for more participation while maintaining the rigor to complete a higher degree program. A plethora of digital technologies are adopted for this purpose ranging from learning management systems, virtual examination suites, and state-of-the-art video conferencing.”

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IIM Kashipur emphasizes integrating emerging technologies into its MBA curriculum, offering MBA and MBA (Analytics) programs. This aligns with NEP 2020’s call for technical subjects to foster interdisciplinary education. The curriculum covers machine learning, deep learning, big data analytics, social media analytics, business intelligence, data visualization, and domain-specific courses in HR, operations, finance, marketing, and health analytics.

In line with NEP 2020’s focus on entrepreneurship and employability, IIM Kashipur graduates secure top opportunities across sectors. The institute’s Centers of Excellence like FIED and DIC train future entrepreneurs, notably in agribusiness and allied domains.

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