Ideas To Host the Ultimate New Year’s Eve Party

For most of us New Year’s Eve 2022, means – long queues to get to pubs, traffic jams, and crowds gathered every way you turn, eager to celebrate the beginning of the new year. Steer clear of the hype this year and throw a party of your own. What’s better than standing and waiting outside your favourite restaurant to get a slot? Staying in and welcoming 2023 with your favourite people around.

New year is the celebration of new beginnings and celebrating it with the people we are grateful for, our friends and family makes it all the more special. “We remember spaces with the memories associated with them, enjoying it with friends and families makes it more special. And for that a great guest list is important. Celebrate this new year with your close and loved ones over a memorable soiree,” say Ankit Ojha and Anand Ojha principal designer of Anand Atelier Associate.

New year’s eve marks a transition—the end of the current year and the beginning of the new calls for a rush of dynamism that is both fun and composed. “The celebration can become a host to a burst of energy with all the glitter and glam, brought together in a fine balance that is amicable. The interior setting can have a tasteful concoction of warmer material palettes and bolder colour palettes that leave a sense of exclusivity in the overall experience, making the New Year’s Eve—a time to remember” adds Punam Kalra, Creative Director of I’m the Centre for applied Arts.

Here are a few tips from our designers to host a friendly new year’s celebration.

Bring in the colour of the year

If anything is close to the dynamic vibe of a new year’s eve, it is Viva Magenta—the rare red shade of magenta that is surprisingly traced back to nature. “As Pantone’s colour of the year, it rightly captures the picture of 2023 with a bold and pulsating shade that is sure to leave a trance effect. When used in the lustrous face of velvet upholstery or lacquered glass cabinets, the colour casts a deep, moody vibe into the interior. It can also come out as its creatively-charged self while setting a solid backdrop, giant light fixture or a simpler piece of modern art, without much effort,” says Kalra. In an interior mood board, you can bring out its electrifying side by pairing it with bejewelled blues, tropical greens and sunset oranges or give it a more intimate yet social spirit with a combination of muted pastels and dim greys that rather create a mood.

Keep up with the shine

A celebration is incomplete without a little hype. Stimulating textures, imaginative forms and an unapologetic overlay of lustre can make a celebration speak for itself. “It is time to look past the smaller details like the confetti balloons and fringed curtains—the same character can shine through sequinned accessories like ottomans, poufs, throws etc. that give a subtle hint of maximalism. In larger pieces of furniture and décor, it is the subdued lustre in metal elements, polished finishes, fine-spun textiles etc. that come in to bring a balancing visual,” feels Kalra. Suede sofas, marble nesting tables, brass consoles, gilded wall murals, carved details, rimmed panels and more can come to layer the interior such that their statement finds tune with the whole of the interior theme.

Theme is important

Finalize a theme for the party and try to keep it effortless yet vibrant. “Make sure it is filled with love and light vibes and does not become chaotic with all the guests coming over. Start dressing it all up, with beautiful linen which you have been saving for an occasion like this and complete the look with a nice rug or a throw. Make sure to have a great party playlist for the night,” opine Ankit and Anand.

Serve everything in style

All of celebration circles back to the table—it is where people come together, indulge in the festive treats and share the vibe. Such a deep association with such a common piece of furniture calls for a dedicated setting around it. The table setting can be a makeshift canopy in the backyard or a more practical arrangement in the living that is dotted by exclusive tableware that may be anything from vintage bone china to the more fusion-looking brassware. It can be softened with garden-plucked flowers in vases or made bolder and more extravagant with mirror trays, stone-studded table pieces, handcrafted linen etc. A stand-alone bar cabinet can also sound interesting with a proud display of tinted glassware and other table selections that make things exclusive to a new year’s eve.

Make more room for activities

Nothing can make a celebration interesting like a good party plan. From the games to the countdowns, an interior space needs to vibe with everything that a new year’s eve celebrates. “A home setup can become extra special with dedicated nooks like photo booths, countdown corners and more that make it to your memorabilia. The celebration can also be taken outdoors with BBQ stations and gaming zones that bring both family and friends together for an enjoyable time. Make grand gestures with a pergola or a glass house coupled with light installations or keep things cosy with a tepee or an open-to-sky gathering with food carts running around,” notes Kalra. Plan the interior experience all the way to its details for a memorable and friendly new year’s eve celebration.

Layering is beautiful

Layer it up with fairy lights over the shelves, on walls and decorate it along with the vibrant color party balls to get the, it is simple and effective way to get the party going. A very important part of such get together, which is the actual highlight is food and wine where we share memorable conversations and endearing laughs. “Let’s start with the table mats, choose a theme, it will help in creating a balance with other table accessories. Start arranging all your cutlery around the table and accessorize it with a nice table napkin. The designer says, there is a trick that he personally likes, for these napkins is adding a personal touch by customizing it with a name card and a flower bud,” add Ankit and Anand. When you are all done with the cutlery arrangement on the table, start layering it up with candles, and conifer cones and wreaths and garlands.

These ideas will make your new year’s celebration a memorable one.

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