ICC to Conduct e-Auction for Media Rights in August

The International Cricket Council (ICC) will be conducting an e-auction for its sale of media rights, only if the bidders quote an identical amount in the opening round, industry sources told PTI on Friday.

While Viacom18, which had recently won the IPL India digital rights with a record Rs 23,578 crore bid via an e-auction, had reportedly sought clarifications on certain aspects from the governing body, the ICC will stick to its original plan — sealed bids for round 1 and e-auction for second round only if there is a tie.

It is learnt that the ICC always had the provision for e-auction but only if there is a second round with initial bids having companies quoting similar amount.

“If it goes to the second round, it will be e-auction, a straight shoot-out if there are two similar bids and we need a clear winner,” the source said.