IC 814 cabin crew chief Anil Sharma, in an exclusive interview with India TV on Wednesday, criticised Netflix’s web series (IC814: The Kandahar Hijack) makers, saying facts were shown wrongly in the OTT series. Netflix’s latest series IC814: The Kandahar Hijack courted controversy over its depiction of hijackers’ code names as ‘Bhola’ and ‘Shankar’.
Sharma said he could not watch the web series post 5.5 episodes because of incorrect facts shown in it.
“I have watched 5.5 episodes and could not watch further as I had lost my courage to bear it more. I have disagreed with the makers at several points in the show,” IC 814 cabin crew chief said.
The makers said the story is based on a book, then they said it is a fictional drama, contradicting themselves. If it is a fictional drama why did they show real footage of bureaucratic activities, he argued.
“Maybe I’m not competent enough to understand the cinema or work of art but since I was part of the incident, I can’t say things are right. The defenders of the web series are saying it should be watched through a creative angle or as a work of art. I would have no problem if it had not been named – IC-814. A movie – Zameen (2003) was made on a similar subject. I had no objection to that because It was with a different name,” Sharma said.
IC 814 cabin crew chief points out mistakes
They tampered with the main character, he said adding the makers changed the name of the commander from Devi Sharan to Sharan Dev to go close to reality as per their convenience, Sharma cited.
If you show wrong facts, the coming generations will consider them as the truth, he asserted.
They (the makers) showed me in the pool of blood which is wrong, he said. They showed the hostages slapping which is also not correct, Sharma said.
The makers showed five cabin crew members which is even technically wrong, he said, adding even in my book such rubbish things are not mentioned.
Did terrorists show human side?
On the question, did terrorists show a human side, he recalled, on the first day, they killed one, saying everyone would be killed.
“I wrote in my book. It was their strategy to alter between horror and humour. Sara din majak karten the (They made fun whole day). But, we did not take them seriously. Both sides were polite to each other,” he reminiscenced.
After Centre’s rap, Netflix India adds real names of hijackers
Meanwhile, in a latest development, under pressure from the government, Netflix India said it has included the real and code names of the hijackers of the Indian Airlines aircraft depicted in the web series ‘IC814: The Kandahar Hijack’.