I don’t want China, there are protests in Burdwan demanding change of candidates

Hundreds of Trinamool activists took to the streets to protest against the announcement of the list of Trinamool candidates in the Burdwan municipal elections. When members of the two groups came face to face, there was widespread tension. The police went and brought the situation under control.

Protesters claim that China Kumari, a candidate from Ward 3 in the Burdwan by-election, worked for the BJP in the 2021 Assembly polls. He attacked the Trinamool candidate in the election campaign. He will not be accepted as a candidate in any way. Demonstrations took place in Mehedibagan area of ​​3 wards demanding this.

The local youth grassroots leader claims that there is no resentment against our candidate. We have started campaigning in support of China Virgin. He alleged that at the behest of a labor leader of the district, some outsiders came and caused trouble in ward no. The matter has been reported to the higher authorities of the party.

The list of candidates for the by-elections was published on Friday evening. After a while, the leaders declared the list of candidates published on the party’s website as fake. The new list was published at 8.30 pm. After that the protests started.
