Hyderabad: 38-year-old woman undergoes complex tumour removal surgery

Published: Published Date – 05:17 PM, Mon – 27 June 22

Hyderabad: A multidisciplinary team of specialist doctors at Care Hospitals, Banjara Hills conducted a complex surgery on 38-year-old woman who had developed a tumour in the Inferior Vena Cava (IVC), which is the large blood vessel that carries blood from torso and lower body to the right side of the heart.

The woman admitted to the hospital with complaints of mild right upper abdominal pain since six months, was diagnosed with IVC Leiomyosarcoma. Providing treatment to the patient was a challenge, as she had undergone a kidney transplant surgery on 2016.

Post the removal of the tumour, the IVC was reconstructed with a Teflon graft to decrease chances of infection. A multidisciplinary team approach involving the surgical oncology team led by Dr. Vipin Goel, the vascular surgery team led by Dr. P C Gupta, anaesthesiology team led by Dr. T V S Gopal and nephrology team led by Dr. Vikrant Reddy came together to successfully treat the patient.